Thursday, May 02, 2024

Best Protest Sign

Shared by a friend who is a Jewish professor on a campus with protests underway.


  1. {listener}
    Howard Dean comments on potential run for governor

    Sure sounds like he’s going to do it.

  2. {listener}
    BTW, there are something like 100 UMC churches in Vermont. Something like 15 of them left the UMC to be part of a conservative Methodist startup…fewer than the 25% seen elsewhere.

  3. Cat— yestere’en I overlooked the links you posted at the end of the thread. Have watched them now (with first half cup of coffee, as the sun is rising) and thank you—they’re good ones. Here’s another:

    Paper trail to jail? Defendant Trump faces ‘affair’ receipts at criminal trial [Click]


    P.S.: I continue to consider the possibility and the difficulties of a not guilty by reason of mental incompetence (AKA insanity) defense for TFG. The fact that he does respond (at least in court) more or less to the judge's admonitions argues against him being incapable of aiding in his own defense.

  4. Replies
    1. He may be mentally capable of aiding in his own defense, but apparently he actively hinders it. Don't remember which of the Midas Touch hosts was talking about this, but they pointed out that Blanch seems more interested in placating his client than in doing his job. It was mentioned that failure to mount a sufficiently vigorous defense might have consequences for Blanch's law license.

  5. New US climate rules for pollution cuts ‘probably terminal’ for coal-fired plants [Click] “The decline has been unrelenting and now it’s a question of when coal ends, not if. The US hasn’t had a national climate policy, unlike in Europe, and yet we are likely to get rid of coal much faster than in Europe.” I hadn’t realized we were making such rapid progress.

    1. I haven't been following the numbers, but I knew the large majority of US electricity is now generated by natural gas, with wind and solar gaining. It has been some time since I heard southern Illinois lawmakters pushing the coal mining industry.

  6. Japan in Deep Trouble as Yen Crashes in Value & Central Bank Spends $35 Billion Supporting Value [Click] A quick check of GDP’s shows that the US is in first place by far, followed by China. California, Germany, and Japan are roughly tied for third place.

  7. Replies
    1. This is insane. It is un-American. Making such a statement to the press is also *stupid*. It might be one thing if he said it to News Max, where they would fall all over themselves saying how clever and brave he is and then try to pretend he never said it. But Time is a sober, solid news organization. If - please God! - he loses, the moment he so much as stirs an eyelash, the authorities will be able to use his words against him. I mean, hell. The Manhattan D.A. has already been using his words against him; so, it's not as if he is unaware this can be done. He may not be mentally incompetent, but he sure as hell lives in his own private bubble. How is it that he doesn't learn from his mistakes? It's like he lives on a hamster wheel, just doing the same thing over and over and over again. I don't get it!

    2. Senility is a species of insanity.

    3. It's called Malignant Narcissism. Think: Caligula.

    4. I think of the senile people whom I have known, and the research I have read about it--- notably including changes in speech patterns.

  8. Replies
    1. Well, yeah. It's called Pluto. :P

    2. I am of the opinion that the planet beyond Pluto should be named X, read either "eks" (as in "unknown") or "ten." If it is a planet five times the mass of Terra, I expect the Vera Rubin telescope should be able to find it occluding stars. If it is a black hole of that mass, I suspect its gravitational lensing would be too weak to observe (but I would gladly be proven wrong). In either case it should be possible (not cheap, but possible) to put a terran satellite into orbit about it, but I don't expect that to happen within my lifetime. Speculation is free.

    3. Oh, please, not "X"...that poor planet would forever be referred to as "Planet Twitter." 🤣

  9. Need topical headgear? Zap on over to the Midas Touch shop and pre-order your MUGA hat [click] Everybody's gonna want one! All proceeds go to NGOs working in Ukraine.

    1. And! It has the added benefit of being a reference to Daniel Tiger of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood's sweet greeting "Hugga Mugga."

  10. Jury Hears Audio of Trump Talking With Cohen about ‘Hush Money’ [Click] “. . . primary source evidence is hard to wave away. That recording, from Cohen’s phone, was a doozy.”
