Saturday, May 04, 2024

A Daffodil of a Different Colour



  1. Surprising-- we are supposed to get a half inch of rain this afternoon and evening.

  2. Changes in diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis over time [Click] Antibiotics, laparascopic surgery, and CAT scans have all become significant factors.

  3. Replies
    1. Wow! Well, it has been conjectured for some time that "the Tin Isles" were Cornwall and the Sillies. But actually to find a sample of Tyrian purple is amazing.

    2. I was impressed by the technique of preserving the pigment by mixing it with beeswax.

  4. Bill, The Adventures of Amina al-Sifari isn't available at Audible, but I got Translation State . Thanks for mentioning these books.

  5. Plastic Waste May Finally Have a Solution [Click] I read about this a couple of years ago, I think from another company that had already built a small pilot plant. The trick is to treat the (unsorted and uncleaned) plastic with *supercritical* water. I foresee the day when humankind mines its dumps (oops--dating myself; "waste disposal sites"). I remember the old city dump where I grew up; people (including us) dumped their trash over the edge, where the flammable stuff constantly smoldered (we burned everything we could in a pit, and buried abalone guts etc. in the back garden for fertilizer). Once or twice a year scavengers would come up from the San Francisco Bay Area to gather the iron from the city dump. Now it is a tourist site called "Glass Beach." It seems very few people remember, but there is an older "Glass Beach" along the cliffs (a mile? half a mile?) farther south, where garbage was dumped generations ago.

    1. Among Fresno's other claims to fame (e.g. the first skyscraper built with air conditioning), is the first modern landfill site, affectionately known as "Mount Trashmore."

    2. I don't recall Pine Blurff having a city dump. I think we burned what we could and rossed the rest into the vacant lot behind our house. (Food scraps fertilizer for the garden.)

  6. Video: SECRET RECORDINGS of Trump Could Be GAME OVER For Him at Trial - Click
    All evidence is not created equal. The multiple secretly recorded Michael Cohen tapes of his conversations with Trump are having an OUTSIZED IMPACT on the jury, and prove the elaborate coverup lengths Trump and Cohen took to hide Trump’s criminal tracks. Michael Popok, a NY trial lawyer, explains the impact of the tapes on the jury and their decision whether to convict.

    1. Well, I'm not going to be counting my chickens just yet, but that sounds pretty good.
