Saturday, March 09, 2024

Mountain Rain



  1. I am still amazed by Sen. Katie Britt delivering the GOP response to the State of the Union address from her (a?) kitchen. A far cry from "A woman's place is in the House--- and the Senate." But it does tell us a thing or two about the modern GOP. At least she wasn't making cookies.

  2. Jamie Dimon and Ray Dalio Warned of Economic Disaster [Click] “The experts were way off.“

  3. New bill would make it illegal for Vermonters to bring guns to the polls

    Interesting that the gun lobby here isn’t challenging this.

    1. I suppose that atlatls, bows and arrows, Bowie knives, cudgels, etc. are slower firing than modern guns. I was surprised to read that in Vermont it is legal to have a handgun (!!!) with a 15-round clip; it is hard to imagine such a thing. Aside: according to the US government (individual states can differ), a gun that does not take cartridges is not a gun, so is unregulated. Example: replica Colt 1851 Navy revolver, which is a cap and ball revolver. There are variations in quality among current manufacturers. One can load extra cylinders and swap them in quickly. Just sayin'.

    2. So, yeah, the OP was you surely surmised from context.

      Vermont has been fiercely protective of the right to bear arms, because of so many family farms (protection of domestic animals against predatory wildlife) and the hunting culture...including among Native Americans. It really hasn't been a big deal here because it's been a very safe environment. Vermonters tend to be respectful of the rights of others. However, as we become a bit more urbanised and casinos become legal, it seems our crime rate has begun to rise to a troubling degree, at least in the city areas. A significant threat to a school also factored in a few years ago. So, we are seeing more scrutiny and more legislation arising. Seems wise.

    3. Wil recalls that years ago he was in our local pizza shop when a group of guys from a Special Ops team that had been practicing at the firing range came in to order. As he stared at them each bringing in their guns, one of them said to him, drily, "We want you to have a safe lunch." To which, Wil rejoined, "It will be if I survive the shootout!" 🤣

    4. Big states, like big countries, have big problems. May Vermont keep the problems under control. But a pistol with a 15-round clip seems patently unreasonable.

  4. {listener}

    From Liane-*in*VT (shared with permission)

    Everyone seems to forget trump's Muslim ban, and his unsolicited bombing of Yemen, and his massive increase in bombing in Syria. He is NOT on the side of Palestinians, and I wouldn't put it past him to start bombing Gaza directly.

    trump has also promised - out loud, in public speeches - to institute concentration camps here in the US, convert to a dictatorship on day one, and to jail and/or murder his opponents. He's not exactly hiding the fact that he's planning to start a US genocide.

    Biden is doing what he can via diplomatic back channels to get Netanyahu to stop. The administration has been brokering a peace deal since the bombing in Gaza started, and has succeeded in brokering one cease fire, with another possibly starting shortly.

    If you are concerned about the US funding genocide (it's National policy, not Biden's, and the current funding is, very specifically, the result of a republican-created budget), you need to think about more than just the current state of affairs.

    The future is going to be much, much, much worse if trump is allowed back into office. US-backed Genocide will continue and escalate abroad, and a whole new one will begin right here at home.

    Caging infants and children, stealing them from their parents, "losing" and erasing their identifying information and phone numbers was a trial run, to see just how much he could get away with.

    If we, collectively, did not rise up and put a stop to the deaths and trafficking of children at trump's hands, we will not rise up against what he does next.

    Putting trump back in office, even indirectly via protest votes or sitting out the election, will be complicity with the genocide he wreaks.

    1. In the US, thankfully, Trump would be unable to do many of the things he rants about doing.

    2. I'm not so sure anymore. we need to make certain he doesn't ever have both the House and Senate. Most of all, we just need to make sure he doesn't ever ever ever get the White House again!

    3. He would be particularly unable to do many of the things he rants about while imprisoned.

    4. Which is why somebody better make sure his ass gets thrown in prison tout suite!

  5. What listener says.

  6. Joe Blogs video: Russian Ruble is Dead as a Global Currency as Russia Uses Yuan for Trade & Russian Company Debt [Click] WOW. Russia is now dependent on trade with China and therefore on the Yuan, since China refuses to do business in Rubles. Despite the fact that China has entered into domestic deflation, interest rates on Yuan-denominated business loans in Russia have increased markedly. Things continue to get worse.

  7. COPD. Ouch! And listener said it exactly right.

  8. Thanks, guys. It's from the heart and I know you share the concern and the ache. Somehow it still feels better that puddle is yet among us. It's going to be hard when that is no longer the case.
