Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wil & listener have been married 49 years today



  1. WOOHOO!!!!


  2. Good start!

  3. (Susan) A very Happy Anniversary and many more!

  4. ‘We are literally erased’: what does it mean to be intersex? [Click] It's about as naturally common as red hair.

  5. Since the Dnipro River dam was destroyed by the Russians, the floor of the reservoir has been drying out and the river has become narrow enough that the Ukrainians have been able to move infantry across with speedboats. Now they are building (or have built) a pontoon bridge heavy enough for tanks next to the Antonovsky bridge (which was destroyed by the Russians as they withdrew from Kherson). Russian aircraft tried to bomb it until the Ukrainians brought up antiaircraft defenses. That the flooding destroyed a lot of Russian defensive positions and spread cholera among their troops was helpful.

  6. Congratulations, Wil and listener!

  7. Replies
    1. IIRC, it was well within my lifetime that Newfoundland became part of Canada.

    2. Newfoundland hasn't always been part of Canada?

    3. I just double-checked. It was an independent colony or dominion until 1949.

    4. Newfoundland voted to join Canada in 1948, reversing a vote much earlier in the century that had rejected union.

    5. I have dear friends in Newfoundland, including in St. John's. They take sea disasters in stride...though this one is certainly a little different.

    6. Gee. I didn't know that.

    7. I had forgotten.

  8. Dad's home. He is weak and confused, but glad to be home.

    1. Good news. May he recover quickly.

    2. That is the BEST news!! πŸ₯³
      πŸŽ‰He'll rest better and heal faster at home.
      Now I just hope you and Sis have great assistance from home care nurses.πŸ™

    3. The Visiting Nurse is coming tomorrow morning. I had great care from them, I'm confident Dad will too.

    4. Thumbs up! Return to familiar surroundings should be helpful; general anesthesia is quite an insult to the body.

    5. I am surprised by this remark about general anesthesia. I had general anesthesia for my open hernia repair and never noticed any problem after I came out. They offered spinal anesthesia as an alternative, but when I discovered they weren't going to let me actually SEE the operation I told them I didn't care. They chose general.

    6. Well, there is variation in the patient, the anesthetics used, the length of time, etc. After one of my abdominal surgeries they gave me a control for additional little administrations of dope, and I was in no condition to understand--I evidently just kept pushing the button, just like touching a baby's palm will cause its hand to close (it might indeed have been the same response). Fortunately the device had a limiter, but but I was the last one out of recovery and wasn't in the greatest shape when I was moved to an observation room. My family was worried I was in recovery so much longer than others, and said I looked sort of yellow. And I was quite a bit younger than Cat's dad.

    7. Understandable that resonses can be different. in my case the operation was relatively brief and I was fully alert the minute I work up.

    8. resonses = responses and work = woke

    9. We meant what you knew, Bill.

  9. Replies
    1. Seems like there is a veritable stampede of conspirators determined to not be too late to fess up, and The Boss be damned.

  10. National Geographic reportedly lays off its last staff writers [Click] I had wondered lately if the magazine was going somewhat downhill.

  11. Thanks, everyone! We had a really nice day...Burlington waterfront walk, fish n chips as we watched a storm roll across Lake Champlain, and a wonderful time at the theatre tonight for Almost Heaven...the songs and story of John Denver.
