Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Welcome, March!



  1. Bill--reply on previous thread.

    1. Thanks for the info. Appreciated. Both the old and new shoes have one-piece rubber soles, so heels are not replaceable.

  2. Barbara Johns: The US' forgotten civil rights hero [Click] Virginia’s replacement for Robert E. Lee in the Capitol Statuary Hall

  3. What time is it on the Moon?
    Now there's a question I never would have asked.

    There are 29.5 Earth days between two sunrises on the Moon.

  4. Reading about The Mysterious Extinction of Homo Erectus [Click] I was led to information about Lemuria, [Click] to which I had not previously paid any attention. I had no idea where the name came from, nor that Helen Blavatsky was involved with it! Good fun.

  5. We looked out the windows due north at 4PM and saw a lot of snow on the mountains--neither of us can remember seeing snow at all, let alone so much, on the mountain tops in that direction. It must be 70 miles if it's an inch from here to the foothills, so probably 90 or 100 miles to the Sierra crest. It is supposed to be a little warmer the next several days, so we plan to walk--it has been either too cold or too wet lately.
