Sunday, November 13, 2022


I am blown away!
Our own dear Susan made these quilts for Wil and me
as thanks that I'm keeping the blog front page going.
I am so moved and deeply amazed
at Susan's beautiful artistry and skill.

Absolutely Gorgeous!
This shows both sides of each quilt...


  1. Thanks are nice, Senator, but the reason expectations were wrong is because the electoral process, a citizen function, has been hijacked by two illegitimate or extra-legal entities, the parties and the press. In recent decades, the Associated Press has even arrogated the authority to announce results BEFORE the ballots are all processed.
    That, btw, is why the 2000 election resulted in the wrong person being hired. A candidate conceding before the counting is done in effect removes him/herself as an applicant. So, if there is only one candidate left, there is no reason to continue the count.
    The founders warned against faction, but the warning has not only been ignore, factions have been permitted to influence the rules by which our legislative bodies conduct their own affairs.
    "The rule of law binds government and all its officials," according to former Justice Anthony Kennedy, but the legislative bodies have been left to their own devices and traditions to favor member status rather than the needs of the public.
    Just think, novice legislators are assigned to insignificant committees and assigned fund raising duties via off-site phone centers for up to eight hours a day. Given that Congress is actually in charge of the currency, this dialing for dollars can only be considered extorting kickbacks from entities that expect some favor or omission.

  2. Stromatolites on Mars? [Click] Perseverance rover expected to reach an area where they might have formed some time next year. That would be a hoot!

  3. Hey! On Facebook there's a Blog for America Alumni page, where I saw a request from MaineFem for a copy of the old Dean Family Cookbook, as she lost hers in a fire 9 years ago. Turns out I had a spare copy in mint condition and am sending it along to her. She is going to send it to Internet Archive ( who will scan it ... making it immortal. It's kinda sweet to reconnect with an original blogger I haven't touched base with in years. And it's great to think the recipes will ever be available.

    1. I don't recall if I submitted a recipe or just thought about it.

    2. I wonder if they want the Dean campaign video from 2004. I uploaded it to my youtube channel.

    3. Thanks, Hannah. I shared your link on the group Facebook page, and sent it along to Nurse Teri Mills, since the cover photo features her. 😊

  4. Overcast and cooler today than yesterday; one can definitely feel the chill of snow in the breeze. We will probably skip gardening today.

  5. New experience--kid arrived Thursday and nearby neighghbor drove by,.called him over and asked him if I hd died (yet?). In my whole life I've never before been the lady you don't know who hasn't died yet.

    1. Good God! That's a neighbor you don't need to know. Sounds like he's got his eyes on your property.

    2. Yikes! Who knew he even knew you were living there? He might have thought to find out how you're faring by knocking on your door and asking if you need anything while he's running into town anyway. Sheesh!!

  6. Susan. Stellar quiltwork, Heavenly kindness. ♥

  7. Worked at the polls on Tuesday.
    This is Day 5, so I took a Covid Test.
    Negative! Viva the N95 mask! 😷


    As mentioned here earlier - the Speaker of the House doesn't have to be a member. Well folks,
    "“One potential candidate whose name has been floated is Donald Trump himself, because the Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House,” Raskin explained. “And they are talking about putting Trump right there.”

    Is there ANYONE in this country who wants to hear LardVader whine and rant and rage for more years?

    1. Ohhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
      As soon as you'd said that and I gave it half a thought, I thought how they might attempt to do that.
      But honestly, I don't think DT would garner enough votes right now. They're mad at him.

    2. I had heard the idea mentioned a while back; I am not sure it would be THE WORST IDEA OF ALL TIME (there's quite a bit of competition for that award), but it would probably be less welcome for the GOP congresscritters than an epidemic of mumps.


  9. Ukraine Retakes Kinburn Peninsula (across Dnipro River from Kherson) [Click] This is just one report; I don’t find it in the major news sources yet, but if true I think it is newsworthy.
