Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Autumn Joy Sedum



  1. Mass firings, wage cuts and open hostility: workers are still unionizing despite obstacles [Click] “Companies are hiring anti-union consultants and deploying hardball tactics when workers threaten to form a union.” One constant: the only effective union organizer is management.

    1. When my workplace organized, the one thing those of us who kept our word actually feared was that management might hire goons--but in the event they didn't have the guts.

  2. The Guardian:
    Ukraine: Russian intelligence officers and military commanders flee Crimea, southern Ukraine

    In the Russian-occupied regions of the Crimea and southern Ukraine, Russian proxies, intelligence officers and military commanders have begun to evacuate and “urgently resettle their families” back into Russian territory, the defence intelligence of Ukraine’s military of defence said.

    Defence intelligence officials noted that Russian nationals were “secretly trying to sell their homes and to urgently evacuate their relatives from the peninsula”.

  3. Replies
    1. The problem with a dictatorship is that the compliant population is not vested in the community. They may have traded status or celebrity for prosperity until they discover there is no food on the table.

  4. It's been a strange day. My two 1.5hr meetings each went 2 hours with about 20 min between. The sky was dark as we had had torrential rain at times with thunderstorms mixed in. Plus, the stock market lost something like 1300 points, and Wil and I have colds that we picked up from two of the grands, both of whom are in first grade and had already been in school a week when my surprise party happened.

  5. GOP Elections Commissioner Arrested by the FBI [Click] Let me guess—he was just testing the system, right?

  6. Mary Peltola Will Keep On Don Young’s Chief of Staff [Click] Sounds like basic good sense as well as good politics to me.
