Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Bright Red Lily


  1. Replies
    1. Or maybe not. From Wikipedia: The names aluminium and aluminum are derived from the word alumine, an obsolete term for alumina,[j] a naturally occurring oxide of aluminium.[109] Alumine was borrowed from French, which in turn derived it from alumen, the classical Latin name for alum, the mineral from which it was collected.[110] The Latin word alumen stems from the Proto-Indo-European root *alu- meaning "bitter" or "beer".

  2. (Susan) I haven't forgotten about my "Gay, Gay, Gay" quilt. But August is BIRTHDAY MONTH for my family, four birthdays. So I'm making birthday presents.

    1. The birthday presents are more important. But Gee--FOUR in one month!

  3. We must be getting smoke from that fire near Yosemite; it doesn't look bad, but the Air Quality Index is up to 178, well into the "unhealthy" range.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, the media were also slow to register a loss of subscribers. That people did not appreciate the pap they offered just did not register. "The medium is the message," was a grand illusion. It was like arguing that the packaging defined the content. In fact, the content is defined by the nutritive and cognitive content.

  5. I shall absent myself for a while; I have a court appearance (via ZOOM) scheduled at 0845 (40 minutes from now). It may not happen, but I have to be ready. Just finishing breakfast, and stil in my retirement uniform at the moment.

    1. Appearance continued to August 16th. All good.

  6. Replies
    1. What did you do to please the Internet gods?

  7. Replies
    1. My senator is on the relevant panel, so I sent him an e-mail. It seems to me that a hundred years and more ought to be enough time to reform an institution if the people in charge actually want to do so.

    2. Read the Constitution. Although "natural persons" are mentioned, human rights are not mentioned. Civil rights do not kick in until AFTER a person is accused of a crime. Fact is that people in prison have rights; people on the street don't, unless they are somehow handicapped or deficient. People under the age of emancipation (18j are property and have no rights.
      If one commits a heinous crime, dealing with him as if he were an adult is represented in the press as harsh. Fact is that only adults are entitled to a legal defense. You want juveniles incarcerated until age 18 and then summarily released to fend for him/herself?

  8. Russia says it will quit International Space Station [after] 2024 [Click] Not a surprise, certainly. The Russian-built central module has had increasing failures due to its age.

  9. I'm no longer on dial up. my repair guy told me last week and it was installed this morning.

    1. 🥳 wOOt!!!! 😃👍 wOOOOOOt!!!! 😁 wOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtt!!! 😮🤗

  10. DSL and smoking fast as anything I'v every used on the nets.

    1. Ah, so there is progress, but it does not mean it is reliable. I do not teust the electron ever since I learned it is susceptible to magnetic forces. Make sure you bring no magnets near your computer.
      In Afghanistan, the magnetic ores in the mountains disrupted the electronic systems of helicopters and surveillance aircraft, causing them to crash. So, the Pentagon had to go with the high altitude AWACS to gather basic info. Very expensive and obviously ineffective.

    2. We had DSL for a long time, but decided (for what reason I don't recall) that we were going to have to change to cable. I ended up with a couple of spare unused DSL modems. You are welcome to have them for standby if you like, puddle.

    3. Anonymous with DSL modems = Alan

  11. (Susan) Yay! Puddle! So happy to see you here.

  12. “You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-cop. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy. You can’t be pro-insurrection and pro-American." ~ Joe Biden

  13. 🌟🌟🌟PUDDLE!!!🌟🌟🌟

    🥳 OH HAPPY DAY!!!! 🤩

    Knock me over with a feather!!!

    Are you having fun with your new DSL?

    When I didn’t hear from you about when I could call you on Monday, it concerned me. I was just sitting down to send you another note to ask if I could call you tomorrow around 3 or 4 pm. Just came here first to post a Biden quote and saw your posts!


    Hey, does this mean you can watch videos on your computer and all that?

    AWESOME!!! For this we have long waited and bugged the gods!!!

