Sunday, April 10, 2022

Yellow Crocuses



  1. stuart stevens @stuartpstevens

    85% of Trump coalition in 2020 was white. The country is 60% white. The majority of Americans 15 years & under are non-white. One of 10 of new Americans in recent census was white. And that is everything you need to know about @GOP's desperate effort to change voting laws.

    Apr 8, 2022

    digby Retweeted

    1. I think skin color is a red herring. A voluntary self-governing society is attractive to all but those who, for some reason, are endemically insecure and want to follow directions (role models) to avoid error.
      The thing about narcissist is that they mimic the behavior of those with whom they interact. So, observers perceive them as friendly until they turn. They run on instinct. Trump has good instincts that are focused on one thing--self-preservation. He does nothing but talk. If you watch him talking to the Turning Point youth, one of his favorite audiences, you can see how in tune he is. He's an iconic persona, a figure head, a profile on a coin. People see what they want to see. He identifies with the snake, subconsciously.

    2. Not to mention all them uppity wimmin. . .

  2. The polls have closed in France, and the first (and normally quite accurate) projections should be published soon. My boy, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, has been gaining, and still has some chance of getting into the second round runoff. Support for Mélenchon has been rising at about the same pace that support for Macon has been falling.

    1. Hoping so much that France goes liberal. We greatly need to stem the tide of conservatism.

  3. Replies
    1. The time might not be far off when Mr. Putin suffers an unfortunate medical problem.

  4. I had truly forgotten how damn good this is!


    To His Coy Mistress

    Had we but World enough, and Time,
    This coyness, Lady, were no crime.
    We would sit down, and think which way
    To walk, and pass our long Loves Day.
    Thou by the Indian Ganges side
    Should'st Rubies find: I by the Tide
    Of Humber would complain. I would
    Love you ten years before the Flood:
    And you should if you please refuse
    Till the Conversion of the Jews.
    My vegetable Love should grow
    Vaster than Empires, and more slow.
    A hundred years should go to praise
    Thine Eyes, and on thy Forehead Gaze.
    Two hundred to adore each breast:
    But thirty thousand to the rest.
    An Age at least to every part,
    And the last Age should show your Heart.
    For Lady you deserve this State;
    Nor would I love at lower rate.
    But at my back I always hear
    Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near:
    And yonder all before us lye
    Desarts of vast Eternity.
    Thy Beauty shall no more be found,
    Nor, in thy marble Vault, shall sound
    My ecchoing Song: then Worms shall try
    That long preserv'd Virginity:
    And your quaint Honour turn to dust;
    And into ashes all my Lust.
    The Grave's a fine and private place,
    But none I think do there embrace.
    Now therefore, while the youthful hew
    Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
    And while thy willing Soul transpires
    At every pore with instant Fires,
    Now let us sport us while we may;
    And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
    Rather at once our Time devour,
    Than languish in his slow-chapt pow'r.
    Let us roll all our Strength, and all
    Our sweetness, up into one Ball:
    And tear our Pleasures with rough strife,
    Thorough the Iron gates of Life.
    Thus, though we cannot make our Sun
    Stand still, yet we will make him run.[1]

    "To His Coy Mistress" is a metaphysical poem written by the English author and politician Andrew Marvell (1621–1678)

    1. This has "Edwin" written all over it. ❤️

    2. Alas, we hardly had a breath together. but my god, how rich was what we had. . . . ♥

  5. Reposting from late last night. Still not able to post via iPhone.

    HALLO!!! I have been trying for several hours to get into the blog. We got new iPhones yesterday and *BAM* I was somehow dropped from holding the keys and couldn't even get in to post and let you all know as much...!

    It's nuts! I couldn't get in through phone or even my computer! Dang that guy at the phone store who thought he was helping me and synced my phone to my computer (which I did NOT want and haven't yet figured out how to undo).

    Anyway, after multiple attempts, I finally got in through Chrome on my computer. Still not in through my phone, though, so unless I am home and on Chrome, I can't post and I can't fix anything.

    The insane part is that even when I couldn't come here to post or delete, I was still allowed to get into the page where we post new threads and do anything I wanted. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. If it ever happens again, I'll try to remember that I can send you a message via the front page. LOL!

    2. If it ain't busted, don't fix it!

  6. Tthis made me laugh. Hard. My browser is not on the list. Chrome, Safari.

    To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to an up-to-date browser. A list of the most popular web browsers can be found below.
