Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Covered Bridge



  1. Yep, I learn something every day if I’m not careful:
    Hungry javelina, trapped in car, goes for a drive in Arizona [Click]
    Which led me to the Wikipedia entry for peccary [Click] It seems they are only distantly related to domestic pigs.

    1. Boy--memories, lol!

      *** The Group by Lara Feigel (and Mary McCarthy) | Bookish Beck
      https://bookishbeck.wordpress.com › 2020/07/13 › the-...
      Jul 13, 2020 — The Group by Lara Feigel (and Mary McCarthy) ... but not without comic potential – as when Dottie confuses a pessary and a peccary.***

  2. How A Trump Tax Break For The Poor Led To A $30 Million Gold Stash In A Queens Warehouse [Click] “A mysterious investor group parked a fortune in gold bricks near JFK Airport. They say it’s good for the neighborhood — and hope to snag a giant tax break.” BUT IMMIGRANTS!


    “O Lord, remember not only men and women of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the suffering they inflicted on us. Remember the fruits we have borne thanks to this suffering: our comradeship, our humility, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this; and when they come to judgement let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.”

    ~ Written on a piece of wrapping paper found near the body of a dead child in Ravensbruck where 92,000 women and children died in the Holocaust.

  4. From The Atlantic; the first two are certainly heavy duty; the third is mildly interesting.

    The Reckoning Is Yet to Come [Click] “Through the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Europe has been rediscovering the values of the continent’s half-forgotten legacy.”

    This Is the War’s Decisive Moment [Click] “The United States and its allies can tip the balance between a costly success and a calamity.”

    Among Europe’s Ex-royals [Click] “What do the descendants of dethroned monarchs have to offer the continent in the 21st century?”

  5. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul says Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin has resigned after his arrest in a federal corruption probe, the AP reports. Gee!

  6. Isolation Led Vladimir Putin to Misjudge Ukraine
    Wapo via politicalwire.com

    Washington Post: “At issue is a broader quandary that will occupy historians for years: How could Russia — a country with such deep familial, cultural and historic ties to its western neighbor — get Ukraine so wrong?”

    “Officials in the United States and Europe are piecing together the answer to that question. What emerges, those officials say, is a picture of a hubristic and isolated leader, beset by biases and skewed information, pressing forward with a calamitous decision without consulting his full cohort of advisers.”

    1. Well, there are different types of consultation. Isn't it consultation to ask "Should we invade Ukraine, or would you like to take up manual labor in Novosibirsk?"

    2. Better make that Yakutsk rather than Novosibirsk.

  7. Authoritarianism is attractive to the leader and the followers because nobody is responsible for anything. The problem is that not much gets done. Our mistake was not calling a halt much earlier on. Also, we forgot that one of the reasons for Iraq was the inroads Russia had made there.

  8. Replies
    1. Translation: Expect high gas prices for some time.
