Wednesday, April 13, 2022




  1. Yesterday was clear, with a cool wind out of the west. When I just now got up, the temperature in the house was only 67F, even cooler than yesterday. The prediction is that the maximum today will be 68F, and there will be a slight warming trend, temps in the 70's for the next 9 days. We'd better enjoy it while we can!

  2. McKinsey Advised Both Pharma Clients and Regulators [Click] The story is even worse than the title.

    Biden to Unveil 5 New Judicial Nominees [Click] That part of his agenda is moving right along.

    Democrats are considering big changes to the primary process ahead of 2024 [Click]

    ‘Historical shift for Northern Ireland’ [Click] “Polls suggest republicans on course to win most votes for first time in Stormont elections – and provide first minister”

    Herschel Walker Claims to Own Companies That Don’t Exist [Click] And they’re all profitable!

    1. Regulate is not a synonym for restrain or prevent. The purpose of regulation is to provide regularity and prdictability to the subject industry. So, in exchange for providing internal information to federal agencies, many companies are assured protection from competitors and, in the case of EPA, interference by disgruntled ciizens. The EPA, set up by Nixon, is an example of a "don't worry your pretty little head, little lady, we'll take care of everything."
      Elizabth Warren told us the CFPB was the first federal agency designed to serve/protect individual people. What does the FDA do? It protects the pharmaceutical monopolies, just like dealership requirements in Georgia would prohibit car manufacturers selling directly to the public. Gotta protect the commrcial middleman.

    2. The Democratic party is proposing to change the calendar rather than the (proportional representation) process.

    3. It mihgt be noted that in 2008, Obama beat Clinton mostly because Clinton's team did not understand proportional representation. And in 2016, Trump won because so many Republican primaries were winner-take-all or winner-take most.

  3. Private carbon removal system attracts big business customers. [Click]
    I remember posting about this before; essentially, they are creating a guaranteed market for carbon sequestration, to accelerate development, while *ultimately* doing it in the most cost-efficient way.

    Back from the dead? Elusive ivory-billed woodpecker not extinct, researchers say [Click]

    Unnecessary Texas Border Inspections Causing Supply Delays [Click]

  4. I'll be gone for a few days. Heading to Minicon (science fiction convention in Minneapolis) tomorrow morning. Back Monday afternoon.

  5. Microfossils may be evidence life began ‘very quickly’ after Earth formed [Click] Which in turn would increase the probability of extraterrestrial life. Which leads us to The Fermi Paradox Compendium [Click]
