Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Snow on Snow



  1. More detail on the recent estimate of MH370 crash location [Click] Neglects to mention estimated uncertainty. Good illustration of underwater geologic features—it seems my estimate was pretty good.

    1. 👍

      I do hope they find it this time. My goodness, what a horror for the loved ones.

    2. If (or when) they manage to locate it, that will be a tremendous technical achievement. Retrieving the flight data recorder would be amazing, and would presumably help to solve the mystery. I think the cockpit voice recorder would probably be of no use, but there is no way of knowing in advance.

  2. Indiana GOP Faces Backlash Over [Opposition to] Vaccine Mandates [Click]

    Kaiser Family Foundation Survey: The Increasing Importance of Partisanship in Predicting COVID-19 Vaccination Status [Click]

    Commentary: “Just 26% of vaccinated Republicans — and only 3% of unvaccinated Republicans — believe that protecting the health of others is a collective responsibility. In contrast, 81% of vaccinated Democrats believe this to be true.
    The inherent nature of Covid-19 is that it transfers from person to person. That means the choices we make as individuals literally affect everyone else. That’s just science.
    Nonetheless, almost no unvaccinated Republicans (and even most vaccinated Republicans) believe they have any responsibility to their community.
    How is it possible to beat a pandemic when so many refuse to acknowledge their obligations to their fellow citizens?”

  3. Replies
    1. Talking Points Memo:
      This is probably obvious to many of you. But Donald Trump’s new ‘Truth Social’ media company, formed with a blank check SPAC vehicle, is essentially an open invitation to foreign bribes and payoffs. It’s no surprise the investor list is secret. The one constant in Trump’s business history is that investors get screwed and he walks away unscathed. Given Trump’s political following a social and media venture seems like it could be quite profitable. But most people can succeed with casinos too. Just not Trump. And those were the days of formal investments, prospectuses, business plans, formal commitments. A SPAC is a blank check. Invest now. Find out what you’re investing in later. No one with big money would invest in such an enterprise with the hope of financial returns.

    2. Its real name is "Anti-Social Lies."

      And we are soon going to be so screwed as nation. I fear for the life my grandchildren will have if we can't stop the Republicans from thieving our voting system.

    3. The only US precedent for our current situation that I can see is the third quarter of the 19th Century. Those were very rough times. I think it would be convenient nowadays to have an Irish grandparent.

    4. How would having an Irish grandparent help? Would said Irish grandparent need to still be alive?

      My mother's parents were 100% Irish, as were my maternal Great Grandparents. In fact, my Great Great Grandfather came from Ireland and served on the USS Cumberland during the Civil War and was aboard (as a gunner) when it was sunk by the CSS Virginia. So, does that help me somehow?

    5. A person with an Irish grandparent (if I am not mistaken) is eligible for Irish citizenship. And Ireland is part of the EU.

    6. Irish grandparent = grandparent who is or was an Irish citizen.

  4. Tune Out the 2024 Predictions [Click]

    Democratic messaging ineffective so far: survey [Click]
    “Voters couldn’t name anything that Democrats had done, except a few who said we passed the infrastructure bill. That bill didn’t overcome their opinions that we have spent the last year infighting and careening from crisis to crisis.”

  5. Twindemic, anyone?


    Covid and Flu both attack the lungs. 30% of people who have had Covid still report reduced breathing capacity a year later. Folks who have had Covid and get the Flu this season could get a harder case.

    1. Sounds like a good reason to mask up.

    2. It sure does! I'm fully vaccinated and boosted, and I still mask up everywhere. And I go as few places as possible!

    3. Same here. We may dispense with masks when able to maintain social distancing while outdoors.

  6. From the Not News files:
    Want to be a criminal in America? Stealing billions is your best bet to go scot-free [Click] “A wave of shoplifting crimes are attracting front-page news, while the $15bn stolen by corporations from workers receives no coverage at all.”
