Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Know the Feeling?



  1. Another Monarch fledged on Monday, a female. Looks like I'll have 3 more brand new Monarchs on Tuesday.

  2. Confirmation of your report, listener: U.S. to Advise Boosters for Most Americans [Click] Excerpted from NYT and WaPo.

    1. “The first boosters are likely to go to nursing home residents, health care workers and emergency workers. They would probably be followed by other older people who were near the front of the line when vaccinations began late last year, then by the general population.”

  3. The air is obviously clearer here this morning; AQI = 75.

  4. The Well Fixer’s Warning [Click] Madera County is on the other side of the river behind and below our house.

    1. Water supplies in the City of Fresno and surrounding areas are far better than in the areas described in the previous article, although nearby, and work continues to make better use of available supplies.

  5. TPM: DC Press Bigs Escalate to Peak Screech Over Biden Defiance [Click] “But there’s also little question that the very strong consensus among establishment DC press opinion-makers is not in line with the mood or opinion of most of the country.”

    Selected ledes from WaPo:

    Opinion by Jennifer Rubin: Biden refused to fall for two decades of military dissembling.

    [Barbara Lee] was the only member of Congress to vote against war in Afghanistan. Some called her a traitor.

    Pelosi Slaps Down Moderate Threats On Infrastructure Bills As ‘Amateur Hour’ [Click]

    The MAGA Freakout Over Afghan Refugees Kicks Into Overdrive [Click]

    Postcard From Thermal: Surviving The Climate Gap In Eastern Coachella Valley [Click]

  6. This school district had an opt-out policy for masks — but not the dress code. One mom fought back. [Click]

    Wisconsin GOP Lawmaker Who Opposed Mandates Hospitalized With Covid [Click]

    Afghanistan May Not Matter for the Midterms [Click]

    Departure of Private Contractors Was a Turning Point in Afghan Military’s Collapse [Click] “We built the Afghan army in our image to be an army that operates with air support and intelligence [and] whose backbone is contractors. . .” I might be wrong, but it seems to me that it was the GOP that was behind privatizing so many functions of the US armed forces; it always impressed me as a very bad idea. It is often argued that although terrible, Japan’s greatest loss at Midway was not the aircraft carriers themselves, the airplanes, or even the pilots—but the highly trained and experienced aircraft service, maintenance and repair crews.

    Texas requests five mortuary trailers in anticipation of Covid deaths. [Click] Only five?

  7. The crew searching for clues in the wreckage of California wildfires [Click] To improve building codes and land use planning.

    New mathematical record: what’s the point of calculating pi? [Click] To so many places, that is.

    How the way you count [on your fingers] reveals where you're from [Click] Another way to confuse people about where you are from—good fun!

    1. The problem we have here in Georgia is that the concept of regulation to promote health and welfare is virtually unknown. Land use planning and zoning got its start in this area in response to the courts ruling that deed restrictions to maintain racial segregation were illegal. Zoning was supposed to achieve the same result by other means. As a consequence, environmental conditions are still missing from the codes. Instead, the focus is on appearance and elmininating unpleaaant sights with fences.
      The consultants who were contracted to provide a rational zoning code have been at work for two years and seem to have given up. So, we are busy dumping boulders on the shore to hold back the tide.

  8. Replies
    1. I figure I will be able to get my third shot in about three months; I will do it sooner if I can without lying.

    2. I was at Walgreen's today and they were announcing they have vaccine, no appointment necessary. If Biden wants me to have a third shot it will be good not to have to hire a taxi to get it.

  9. ha ha ha ha ha ha (gasp) ha ha ha ha ha...Governor Abbot of TX has been diagnosed with COVID.

    1. Most interestingly, he was vaccinated, so this is a breakthrough case.

      And he's taking monoclonal treatments.

    2. I should think that being paraplegic would put him at increased risk of respiratory disease. And having a positive test without symptoms could be colonization rather than infection. No matter, thanks for sharing!

  10. Anti-Vax “Christian” Radio Host Dies of COVID-19 [Click] Quotation marks added; it seems appropriate. I suppose he didn’t pay any attention to what Martin Luther had to say about controlling plague.

  11. New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) said in a court filing that the National Rifle Association “hasn’t cleaned up rampant financial and managerial misconduct as it claimed over the past year, illustrating the need for the gun-rights group to be dissolved,” Bloomberg reports.

  12. The Third-Shot Underground [Click] “Some fully vaccinated people have been getting a third jab before the government has approved it.”

    1. Why Wait 8 Months? [Click] For one thing, the antibody response might be better.

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