Saturday, May 08, 2021

Crab Shell



  1. IHME: Estimation of total mortality due to COVID-19 [Click] Sort of an adjusted excess mortality figure. Total estimated deaths now about 6.94 million worldwide, more than twice the reported figure of 3.24 million. By way of comparison, estimates of the deaths due to the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic range from 17 million to 100 million.

  2. Bill Thomasson5/08/2021 11:05:00 AM

    My computer has died. Sort of making do with the tablet. I wasn't expecting the computer to go, although it was old enough (about 7 years) I was thinking about getting a new one. I was hoping to wait until after I finished my novel, though.

    1. Oh, I do hope you haven't lost your novel to the computer's demise! Did you have it backed up?

    2. Just because the computer died does not mean the data on the hard drive (or other storage device) is not recoverable. But it sure would be easier if the data were backed up. I keep telling myself that I really must restore backup on my computers--it used to be through a server/HD that is incompatible with our new method of accessing the Internet, and no longer made or supported by Apple.

    3. Bill Thomasson5/08/2021 09:10:00 PM

      There is a backup to an external hard drive, although I haven't checked it. I don't know whether it covers the last few days, but I've spent the last few days printing and mailing the fundraising letter for the Disability Pride Parade rather than working on the novel.

    4. Bill Thomasson5/08/2021 10:21:00 PM

      I've just ordered my replacement computer from Tiger Direct. A super-powerful refurbished HP for $800 plus tax and shippig. Should keep my happy for a long time.

    5. I remember ordering from Tiger Direct back in the day; no problems.

  3. Tom Nichols: How 1980s MTV helped my students understand the Cold War [Click]
    Interesting; I am sure that when this was happening I was every bit as aware of it as I was of the domestic politics of Matabeleland.

  4. VT May 7th: 23,445-23,393 = 52
    Active Cases:1917
    Recovered:21,279 (90.8%)
    Hospital:14(-3) ICU:3(-1)

    Active Cases have dropped below 2000! Yay! This is going in the right direction!
    Positivity Rate down to 1.1%
    Death Rate holding at 1.1%


    This is real. These are the kinds of elected Republican MORONS we have to deal with here in Ohio. As if Gym Jordan weren't bad enough!

    1. Out here in ol' Lefty California we have Devin Nunes. Even trade?

  6. Gotch, one better: Joe Manchin.

  7. Where are the alien abductions when you need them?
