Sunday, May 02, 2021

Double Daffy


  1. Thought occurred to me this morning, listener, that we don't often thank you for keeping this blog going, with all that entails. So THANK YOU!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. My pleasure. It's a place where I can safely sound off and enjoy a friendly audience.

  3. Focus on vaccines and tests has been obscuring the existing shortage of oxygen in low- and middle-income countries [Click] International efforts to increase supplies are barely starting. [I note with alarm all the people moving the cylinders without proper carts, often with the caps removed. Those things are very heavy, and if the valve stems break the cylinders can turn into rockets.]

  4. I remember that the first thing my mother would say about FDR was that he gave us beer again. The cash benefits that Biden brought people will probably be remembered in the same way, and woe betide the Republicans if they take it away. I am also reminded of how Truman won by running against a "do-nothing Congress."

    1. I remember the Truman campaign -- I was 12 at the time. Was that Congress really worse than our present do-nothing Senate?

    2. I can't say whether it was better or worse, Bill--but I suspect it was probably better. But it does seem possible that the GOP senators may be walking into a trap of their own making.

  5. I'm really starting to hate people except for you guys and my family!

  6. VT May 2nd: 23,126-23,032 = 94
    Active cases:2386
    Recovered:20,493 (88.6%)
    Hospital:17(+1) ICU:4(0)
    Tests:381,852 (+646)

    1. Positivity Rate is back up to 1.1%
      Death Rate holding at 1.1%

  7. Awww, you folks are the sweetest! This was so nice to find tonight when we got home from Maine. We had a very good visit with the Kidz and Grands. In fact, the blog will finally have some different sort of photos! Yay!
