Friday, July 03, 2020

Takeout: Dinner on the Porch


  1. Coronavirus test used by White House has questionable accuracy [Click] It seems that it is an antigen test rather than an antibody test, which is what I had assumed.


  2. Biden releases new anti-Trump ad. [Click] It seems it is only 20 seconds, and only on Twitter. Riffs on DT's "you're going to be tired of winning" pitch.

  3. VT: 1236 56 (+9 🙁/ 0)
    213 active/ 0 x 16 days
    Recovered 967
    In Hospital = 1 (-1)
    Tests 68,395 67,341 (+1054)

  4. We'll see if I can get COVID numbers for Ohio today. In roaming around found that my county is at Level 3, Public Emergency - with very high exposure and spread. Lots of restaurants and so forth that had partially opened have closed down again because of employee illness. Sigh. If people don't start taking this seriously we'll still be dealing with it in 2022.

  5. OHIO: As of Thursday afternoon, there have been at least 54,166 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 2,903 deaths, and 8,038 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health. There was a delay in posting Thursday’s numbers because of a technical issue on the state website.

    Don't have Friday numbers.

  6. Ohio: As of Friday afternoon, there have been at least 55,257 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 2,903 deaths, and 8,084 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  7. Replies
    1. Nope. I can't get around the subscription offer. Maybe given the actual URL I could paste it into Internet Explorer.


    3. My pleasure. Ms Sanders sounds like someone we ought to pay attention to. But for her lack of high political office she would seem to be a good or at least plausible candidate for VP; but such a lack has not always been a bar to the office.

  8. Speaking of slow election results: I have been following the results for the NY-01 primary, held a week and a half ago. i now hear that the Board of Elections will _start_ to count the mail ballots Monday. (It has now finished counting the ballots for NY-02.)
