Thursday, May 14, 2020


So strange to see Snow and a Goldfinch in Summer plumage!


  1. I thought there were a number of strange birds in Congress. . . [he ducks]

  2. OHIO: As of Thursday afternoon, there are 26,357 cases in the state, 1,534 deaths, and 4,718 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  3. VT: 932/53 (+3/ 0)
    no deaths for 7 days!
    Recovered: 792 (+3)
    Hospital 5 (for 7 days)
    Tests 22,505 (+829)

  4. The Most Remarkable Part of Rick Bright’s Testimony [Click] “The whistleblower’s claims about the government’s [CURRENT] lack of COVID-19 preparedness went largely uncontested, even by the president’s allies.”

  5. So, I spent 10 hours in the garden today, 26 hours in three days, and it almost looks like something now! Ha! There is a ton yet to do, but the hardest part is done. One more big push over the weekend and I should be able to finish at a gentler pace
    Can’t say I’m sorry that tomorrow is a rainy day! LOL!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. Best part is that I spent the whole day out there and never once thought about DT, and only once remembered COVID-19, when a neighbour came a tad too close. We all forget sometimes, in old situations that seem so normal. But as his RN wife has just started doing COVID testing, I wouldn’t want to take a chance...!
