Saturday, April 25, 2020

Local Walk: Holly and Berry


  1. 843/46 (+16/+2)
    Hospitalised 12 ( 0)
    Tests 14,682 (+372)

  2. A spike in New Yorkers ingesting household cleaners following Trump’s controversial coronavirus comments [Click] Thirty in 18 hours, compared to thirteen the previous year. Using Lysol is responsible for most of the increase. [Did DT specifically mention Lysol? I thought he just said “disinfectants”]. And that’s just in NYC. I recall three or four suicides with Lysol or Pine Sol over the years. (Alas, Pine Sol doesn’t contain pine oil any more except a bit for aroma, and Lysol doesn’t contain its original phenolic disinfectant—no sense of tradition in either case under new ownership.]

    1. Is there any way of holding Trump responsible? Suing him for wrongful death or reckless endangerment, or something? And forcing him to pay damages to the families? I mean, there has to be some way to hold him to account for something! He cannot be allowed to continue destroying people's health and lives, the environment, the country's good name...everything, without there being a reckoning!

    2. The only words I have are unprintable! And the only thoughts I have are “not lawful to be uttered.”

  3. OHIO; COVID;15,587 and 711 deaths.
    And,as far as I know, DeWine is *still* planning on beginning reopening the state on 5/1. I think that's a mistake.

    1. 4.56%

      Nationally it’s 5.7%, so at least you’re on the better side of it. But I agree with you, given the concentrated populations in Ohio, that waiting a few more weeks would be wise.

  4. From The Guardian: "The global toll from Covid-19 passed 200,000 on Saturday, with over 2.8 million people infected, as the WHO warned against issuing 'immunity passports' because there is no evidence people who recovered from the disease are protected against a second infection."

    1. Yellow fever is also a single-stranded RNA virus, and recovery confers lasting immunity. That would be nice in the case of COVID-19, but I sure wouldn't bet on it. We will learn, certainly.

  5. Thanks Listener. I did very much enjoy the BBC piece on the Hubble Telescope.

  6. The nearby supermarket [unionized, I might note] quickly sold out of flour and yeast; there has been limited recovery in flour, but we haven't been able to score any yeast. They had a delivery last night, and the shelves were fairly well stocked this morning, but they didn't get any yeast. When I was preparing grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch using the "artisanal" bread from the store, I noticed a distinct aroma of yeast, so I am trying to revive it to make a sponge. It has been a very long time since I did that, but if it worked back in olden times, it will work today. That's where guests at the iron bar hotel get their yeast for making pruno.

    1. Recipe For Prison Pruno [Click] It seems he just used wild yeast. In my experience most seized pruno was around 2-3% alcohol, but some got up to 6%, very rarely higher. One would have to be pretty desperate to drink it in most cases--it has been described as "vomit-flavored wine cooler," but on occasion it doesn't smell half bad.

    2. What about some sourdough starter?

    3. That's about what I am aiming for; I had some sourdough starter that I maintained for years.

  7. Replies
    1. I hadn't seen that article. I had seen an email that talked about "cancelling the primary," but that language makes no sense. Even if there is only one name on the presidential ballot, there are still, as far as I can tell, a huge number of other races that need to be voted on.

  8. Tonight Wil and I actually went over to Root*Center*Son’s house, sat outside about 8 ft apart around his bonfire ring, and visited.

    We did that because he lives alone and hasn’t been with a friend or loved one in about 8 weeks.

    It felt really good.
    We were super careful...even brought along our Clorox wipes.

    1. Speaking of Clorox wipes...we are nearly out. I managed to get 2 containers of them in early March and they have not been on the store shelves since.
      I kept the containers, thinking I would add some paper towels to them and some diluted bleach or something. But the truth is that paper towels (which are also in short supply) would turn to mush.
      But! I have had l another idea which I am implementing. I ordered some Seventh Generation “free and clear” baby wipes (which are thicker and stronger than paper towels) and will put them into the Clorox wipes containers with some Lysol disinfectant (which we happen to have). That way I can still safely go shopping and still safely wipe down items we purchase, as well as doorknobs, etc.
      Peace of mind.

    2. Modern Lysol is safer than chlorine bleach--but not recommended for internal use--HA!


    If it makes you feel better to wipe down your groceries have at it, but I've read several different articles saying it's really not necessary.
