Tuesday, April 21, 2020

American Cardinal


  1. listener--I just watched both of the mask-maker videos you linked on the previous thread--both SO FINE! Thank you!

  2. A far simpler method of avoiding pestilence from a century after Luther. [Click]

    BTW, in Luther’s letter he mentions the Turks as a possible type of unavoidable, sudden death. The Ottoman Empire was then at its height, and Luther thought they very well could conquer Germany. They had raiders operating on the Rhine to divert the attention of European troops at the front. (There’s a word for such operations, but it escapes me at the moment).

  3. I made a crack of dawn grocery run.
    $550 worth of supplies should hold us awhile!
    It took 2.5 hours to procure it all, then another 2.5 hours to Clorox wipe and wash it all and put it away.
    Up next is a long afternoon nap!

  4. 818/40
    Hospitalised 21/ Tested 13,111
    (2% of VT citizens tested)

  5. “A month after the pandemic forced him off the trail… as of last week, Biden has hired no new staff with expertise in digital politics, the campaign said, instead relying on existing aides,” Bloomberg reports.

    Not surprising, certainly. But Jeez, Louise...

  6. “A malaria drug widely touted by President Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals,” the AP reports. No benefit? Keep reading.

    “There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.”

    1. Oh dear God! I knew Trump and his gang hated veterans, as do most Republicans. Just look at the state of the VA! But I didn't know they were actively trying to kill them.

    2. If this drug is so all fired wonderful, why doesn't Trump take it? Maybe we'll get lucky.

  7. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 [Click] And Richard Burr is the chairperson. The evidence must have been pretty damning. I can forgive Burr for a bit of insider trading now; let him go and sin no more. Or is he finally realizing that Trump is going down and taking all his buddies with him?

  8. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 [Click] And Richard Burr is the chairperson. The evidence must have been pretty damning. I can forgive Burr for a bit of insider trading now; let him go and sin no more.

  9. OHIO: COVID 13,725 and 557 deaths.

  10. My son mentioned a possibility I hadn't thought of. He said that those states that re-open could, if you refuse to go to work, deny your unemployment compensation. I don't know if they can do that, but I believe if they could, they would.

    1. I am pretty sure they could IF in fact your employer reopens.

    2. Yep. Remember that it is insurance paid for jointly by employer and employee.

    3. Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing. At least in Vermont I’d be very surprised if the Gov required anyone to open anything. I think it will all be voluntary. There could be some uncharitable employers, but I think they’d get some impressive community pushback.

  11. Replies
    1. We are doomed. Biden is a wet paper cut-out. He should stay far, far away from anything associated with Bloomberg. Biden is so "nothing" what would they air about him? What are his plans? I hate the Democratic Establishment with a red-hot hate because they have all but condemned us to four more years of a psychotic old man with a rage-on. Will we get more of the February speech "Hello, I'm Joe Biden and I'm running for U.S. Senate. Look me over. If you don't like what you see vote for the other Biden." HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT. I've always enjoyed dystopia novels, but damned if I want to LIVE in one!

    2. Biden's basement campaign is looking more like Gene Debs' 1920 campaign from Moundsville Penitentiary than a typical front porch campaign.

  12. Hark, Thespian Lovers!

    Social Distance Theatre, a newly-founded virtual theatre company, will be performing "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare!

    The reading will be streamed live on Zoom on Wednesday, April 22nd @ 7:30pm.

    You can use the following link to tune in live once the Webinar is set up: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82099504926?pwd=RlE4d2prT0xlQ1R0TEhEMXNyRU11dz09
    We are trying to stream it on Social Distance Theatre's Facebook page as well, but we're still unsure if that will work.

    The show runs approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes and will feature a 5-minute intermission. We hope to see you there!

    1. That's a modern take on the old practice of a family reading a Shakespeare play. Who are the readers?

    2. I have never attended a performance of Twelfth Night; I shall pluck my College Outline Series "Outlines of Shakespeare's Plays" from the bookshelf and mayhap have my copy of the play to hand for the performance. No, better I should read it first, as is my ancient custom.

    3. Oops--inadequate time to prepare; it's on the proximate morrow, and while I am doing execution upon the pestilent weeds in our garden to boot! Argh!

    4. Yes, Alan, Eastern Time.

      I do not know the readers/players at all. This is a brand new group!

      Mayhap you could listen to it first, then read it afterwards. Having heard the actors speak it might assist reading comprehension.

    5. Oh, it's always been exactly the opposite for me, listener; reading first and listening after increases understanding.

  13. The Utter Futility of Biden’s China Rhetoric [Click] Two new Biden [TV?] ads. Yes, it is the Biden we know of old and detest thoroughly, showing yet again that he has no idea what is going on in the world or in American society.
