Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cardinal chick at my window: he fluttered and LOOKED at his reflection and, well, I think he misses his siblings.

Then he did the same at my car window!!


  1. Thanks for the kind words on the previous thread. ❤️

    Here’s another sweet idea. Years ago, when my father-in-law (who had remarried about two years before) was dying and the family gathered, a family member arrived with a large jar of Candy Kisses. They set the jar on the table beside his grieving wife, and told their (5) children that to get a Kiss they had to give a kiss to “Grammie.” The kids were pleased to have chocolate, and their kisses sweetened the day for “Grammie” as well.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Link repaired:

      I seem to have indeed discovered a safe and effective exercise for the lower back and upper legs pain that has plagued me since my abdominal operations a decade ago. The improvement in a single day (24 hrs) is remarkable. The back pain is pretty much gone, and my range of motion is definitely improved. The leg muscles, having been shortened up for a decade, are objecting to their unwonted stretching, but I am sure that will go away soon. The leg pain is like the first day of gym class in junior high school--a different quality than before. Here is the exercise, [Click] should anyone be interested. [Your mileage may vary...]

    2. That looks promising as I have lately found that bending backward helps stop my lower back pain. However, there is no way in this Universe I will be doing 160 repetitions of this!

    3. It seemed so easy, I did fifty each way on the first try. This morning I did forty and forty. That might have been a bit much, but maybe not. It substitutes for three or four other exercises that I had added to my daily routine, so doesn't add the time. I think fifty is a nice number (for me, for now). One thing that was not emphasized but implied is that slower is better than fast, so one's muscles have time to lengthen and shorten.

    4. And it beats the exercises the physical therapists gave me hands down--all of those were downright dangerous--I hurt myself trying them. And they didn't do me any good to speak of. Hope it can do someone else some good.

    5. What you describe seems a bit different from what I used to have, which was much more localized. Nothing to do with the legs. I dealt with that by a small sacroiliac brace, but after a while the pain went away and I only used the brace when I was exercising. Until, a few months ago, I let distraction and advancing age persuade me to give up my exercises.

  3. Being flat on my back for a long time after surgery may have been the cause of my muscles tightening up in my lower back, backside and legs; but it could be that spasms when they gave me muscle relaxant before starting to cut was what started it all. Once before I had a little problem (foreign body--wire-- caught in throat) that called for general anaesthesia and IV muscle relaxant, and one of the surgery nurses said that the spasms I had were so violent that they feared I might hurt myself. But it is such a present to seem to be on the mend now.
