Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Stick Weather


  1. wind rising/wind chill falling. Can almost feel it sucking the heat out of the house.

  2. Speculation not original with me:

    1) Manafort has no reason to lie after his plea deal unless he feels sure of a pardon.
    2) Trump and Manafort have a joint defense agreement, so their lawyers exchange information, and Manafort would have shared questions of Mueller's team.
    3) Trump would be pleased to have Manafort serve as a mole in Mueller's investigation.
    4) Mueller has no need of Manafort's testimony--he already has evidence enough from other sources.
    4) Trump submitted written answers to Mueller's questions, which answers could well have been based on misleading evidence from questions Manafort was asked, and might consequently contain lies that Mueller can identify as such.

    Two questions arise:
    A) Are Mueller and his team capable of recognizing and exploiting such a strategic opportunity should it present itself? YES.
    B) Are Trump and his attorneys capable of failing to recognize such a strategic trap and falling into it? VERY POSSIBLY SO.

    And if past is prologue, we may expect parts of this to be revealed in submissions to the court detailing Manfort's lies during Manafort's sentencing hearing.

    1. It is the most HOPEFUL possibility!! I am all ears for these points, going forward!!!

  3. Quiz: Only People With IQ Range 140-149 Know The Meaning Of These 17 Words100% - You're A Genius Wordsmith!
    einstein,iq,quiz,word quiz
    giphy.com / women.com

    CONGRATULATIONS! When it comes to words and language you have quite the vocabulary and you may just be a literary genius! You love to read and discuss your ideas with your peers. You are in the constant search of meaning through social interaction, media, real-life experiences, and books. Your peers consider you an eloquent and influential speaker. You probably get a standing ovation at least once a week! Splendid work!

    1. Sorry about that. Couldn't share on facebook since a cousin was just lamenting how badly she'd done. Which is sad, 'cause it wasn't even remotely difficult.

    2. Not me, baby! I was forced to interact with a human yesterday and the whole time I was smiling and talking I was thinking "Go away, go away, go away". And then I felt unsettled for the rest of the day. Not sure if it's a control issue or an "I hate people" issue.

    3. With me there's no question. I hate people, period.

    4. Where is this quiz? Now you have me wondering.

    5. Susan...it could just mean you're on people overload. Happens to the best of us. Especially in our later years, women get to the point where they no longer suffer fools gladly (even if they ever did). Those women are considered the Wise Women of the tribe. Rock on.

  4. Went to the doctor today (the P.A., actually) for a routine visit and was mildly shocked that my last recorded visit was in July of 2015. Hadn't meant to let it slip quite that long.

    Got a probably long overdue prescription for blood pressure medicine; 10 mg to start with. Took the first tablet this evening. I've never seen such minuscule pills in my life! I have confidence they will help a whole raft of fairly minor yet bothersome problems though, sadly, I can't report any instantaneous miracle cures. Also got referrals (to follow by mail) for a couple more serious concerns. All good and promising of progress.

    1. Naughty, naughty. Do better. Glad everything is promising.

    2. Once every 3 1/2 years whether you need it or not, eh? 😉

      Sounds like it was a good thing that you went. The alternative to those tiny pills is a very careful diet (no grains, no dairy, no sugar...all the fruits, veggies and meats you like). Do what makes sense for you. I hope you see good results very soon. I too like hearing that yours are all fixable concerns. We like fixable problems!! 👍

  5. An Unexpected Solution to the Migrant Crisis [Click] “One potential means of easing the border crisis between the U.S. and Mexico comes from an unlikely place: Medicare regulations.” An interesting idea indeed.

  6. Heh! My PA and her nurse showed today. Had a verra nice talk, but they got no blood. After three tries they offered to not, and I agreed, for a change. She said everything she could see was super good, and she wouldn't sweat the blood stuff.

    Hydrochlorothiazide? I take 25mg, and the pills are about the size of a saccharine pill.

    1. No need of BP medicine here, but as far as I know none of my blood relatives had problems with that sort of thing. The medicos do a better job of handling it now than they used to, and their understanding of the meds seems to be better too.

  7. Replies
    1. Whatta buncha clickbait malarkey! The Stanford-Binet IQ test is basically a measure of conventional academic accomplishment, not native intelligence, for one thing. And for another, there aren't any words there that are in the least uncommon. And whoever wrote the quiz not only had poor definitions, but had several of the parts of speech wrong! (Or mismatched with the "definitions.") I would rate a perfect score to be associated with an IQ of maybe 110, if that. Better was expected of us in high school. Sorry about your cousin, though.

    2. I thought it was a pretty drab selection myself, lol! Since I know what my IQ is, I'm not evah going to try to find out on the internet. If one truly needed to know, they should do what my parents did and hire a psychologist to give them the test. That was worded badly--my parents tested the first four of their kids because they were worried about the 4th, but didn't want to single him out.

  8. Candidate Party Votes Pct.
    Cindy Hyde-Smith* Rep. 456,196 53.9%
    Mike Espy Dem. 390,267 46.1

    846,463 votes, 97% reporting (1,743 of 1,797 precincts)

    1. As I recall, the vote in the general election was about 60:40 Rep:Dem., so that means Espy overperformed by a few percent. Hyde-Smith sure seemed to me to be a wimpy sort--not one to accomplish much for her constituents. Oh, well. Incidentally, I discovered that a relative of mine by marriage--in my grandparents' generation--relocated from Portland to Biloxi. (Quite possibly because of job opportunities at the shipyards in the area.)
