Monday, November 12, 2018

In Honour of Veterans

Here is true leadership in honouring veterans!
Justin Trudeau removes his umbrella and gives his address 
while getting soaked, noting that we are uncomfortable as
our suits and hair and shoes get wet.  But for those at Dieppe, 

In Contrast:

DT cancels First World War memorial visit to US cemetery 
because of 'poor weather'


  1. Now, now--the poor old fellow's bone spurs were probably acting up. And consider what a disaster it would be for his poor wife to possibly get a spot of mud on her oh-so-expensive designer clothes. (Has anyone besides me noticed that one of her favored designers seems to be Omar the Tent Maker?)

  2. Speaking in the rain is pretty good; kudos to PM Trudeau. But Teddy Roosevelt wins for continuing his speech after being shot in the chest by a would-be assassin, as the blood stain spread slowly across his shirt front. The bullet just happened to hit a thick bundle of notes for his speech, folded up in TR's jacket pocket, and he had seen enough action to know he hadn't been seriously injured.

    1. Yes, that was such a lucky trajectory. Of course, it’s good to know some leaders of today still care more about others than themselves.

  3. A Defeat for White Identity [Click] "What the midterms tell us about racial backlash and economic populism."

  4. Good Lord—a veritable literary wave I had no idea existed! [Click] But something similar has seemed vaguely inevitable due to technology…

    1. That is truly awesome!! I read the article and love the concept! Amazing and worthy.

  5. Right after election Trump intimidates Sessions into resigning. Appoints Whitaker. Rosenstein briefs DT. POTUS in a foul mood ever since (except when greeting Putin), avoiding events that would give him positive coverage, even skips scheduled ceremony at Arlington today. Maybe Rosenstein told DT more indictments are coming promptly, and gave some particulars? Maybe Mueller files the indictments, getting his case and the evidence for it (and other indictments or impheachment) into the court system, and then files his report with Whittaker? Maybe DT Jr. get indicted? If any of that is what is going on, it will probably happen this week. Stay tuned!

    1. Oh, and Michael Cohen shows up in DC with one of his criminal attorneys for no obvious reason. And two or three days ago it was reported that Mueller was dissatisfied with Manafort’s degree of cooperation.

      There is almost no end of delicacies served up at today.

  6. Mueller’s Prosecutors Working on a Holiday

    November 12, 2018 at 6:20 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 192 Comments

    Although it was a federal holiday today, CNN reports that at least eight prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller were in the office today.

    Law and Crime: “So while federal courts may be closed and there’s ‘no reason to believe; a grand jury is meeting, it’s still within the realm of possibility that Michael Cohen in D.C. + numerous Mueller prosecutors work = the precursor to something bigger.”

  7. Speaking of Mr. Foul Mood, today he said FL should quit counting votes and declare his favourites winners. In doing so, he advocated skipping counting the military vote. Happy Veteran’s Day.


  9. Looking over close contests [Click] in California, I see that Jeff Denham (R), incumbent US Representative in CA-10 has now fallen 1.8% behind his Democratic challenger, which surprises me (pleasantly). As I recall, his district has been trending Democratic because of immigrants priced out of the San Francisco Bay Area.

    The race for CA Superintendent of Public Instruction has flipped for now—my guy has pulled very slightly ahead, leading by about 4,000 votes out of 7.2 million.

    McSally (R) concedes AZ Senate race. (But she will probably be appointed to fill McCain’s seat.)

    After Donald Trump failed to make it to the American war cemetery at Belleau in France at the weekend, the US president has been gently mocked by the official Twitter account of the French army. Using the hashtag #MondayMotivation, they posted a picture of a soldier training, with the caption: “Il y a de la pluie, mais c’est pas grave [it is raining, but it is not serious].” [Click] I must say that the added photos (possibly unofficial in origin) include some very notable ones. Scroll down.

    Inside the GOP Effort to Discredit a Recount [Click] “…a cold political calculation:” Good God—this is absolutely criminal, unamerican, you name it.

    1. The Senate count is now 48 - 51 with FL left to count. IF we get Florida, we will be at the SAME number in the Senate as before the election, and way ahead in the House. If FL goes to the Rs, then at worst we lost ONE Senate seat. Let that sink in.

    2. When you put it that way, things aren't really so bad, are they?

  10. Replies
    1. Maybe hate is not a mental illness in and of itself, but hate, envy, resentment if nursed over a period of time can certainly cause both physical and mental illness. They are as destructive as any cancer, eating away at the mind, causing stress and all that goes with it. And they promote selfcenteredness and objectification of the other, both of which are also abnormal if not pathological.

  11. Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump? [Click] “It is best not to diagnose the president from afar, which is why the federal government needs a system to evaluate him up close.”

    Outcry after police shoot African-American security guard hero [Click]

    #ThisIsOurLane: Doctors hit back at pro-gun group NRA [Click] Hey, I am acquainted with one of the people quoted!

    I worked in a Level 3 trauma center for five years; depending on the month, the ER could be the busiest in California. One got to see a lot. I remember one night an excited young medical technologist came running up to me as I was posting lab reports on the triage board; she had heard that six gunshot wounds were coming in!!! Granted that it was late at night and I was concentrating on getting the reports posted so the nurses and physicians could see and grab them, but I automatically asked what seemed like the logical question: "In how many patients?" The poor thing just visibly deflated, turned away and went back to the ER lab. Honestly, I wasn't trying to dishearten her or to be a smart-ass; it was just an honest question that seemed appropriate in the context of that workplace. One saw, and was a part of, some pretty heroic medicine. The esprit de corps was tremendous. Some people couldn't endure what they saw in the ER, so needed to be transferred to another part of the hospital; there is nothing at all wrong with that.

    1. If it helps, Alan, that was exactly my first question as I read what you wrote!! The person didn't say gunshot victims, but gunshot wounds. That's a key difference. My dear SIL who died last April once served as a receptionist in the ER at a San Francisco medical center. She told me that quite often at the end of the shift she would join others for a drink before heading home. The drink didn't matter. What mattered was the chance to debrief and feel humanity's kindness and be able to laugh again before going home.

    2. Maybe SF General, one of the other busiest three ER's in the state. Yes, some workers do that. I just wanted to get home--nights were really hard for me.

  12. Oh, yes indeedy. PM Dishy has style, class and grace.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks very much for posting this, Listener.
