Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Primaries Today

🌟Starting this year, Vermont residents can register to vote at their polling station on the day of the election.🌟

Today I will be working at the polls and helping to reconcile the checklist at the end of the night.

Vermont Primary:  https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2018/08/08/your-guide-2018-vermont-primary/927416002/

Primaries Today in Vermont, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Connecticut
The media keep mentioning Ethan Sonneborn, who is our 14 year old candidate for Governor.  Funny that they haven't mentioned the Democrats have also got a candidate who is transgender.  Christine Hallquist used to work with Wil, years ago, when her name was Dave.  Having heard all the candidates, I actually agree most often with Ethan Sonneborn!  He has held his own in the debates and just might have my vote.


  1. Bernie will be on Stephen Colbert tonight.

    1. Go Bernie! He really rocked the vote in Vermont today! (Andisanyonesurprised?)

  2. Facebook photo recognition: people standing, people smiling, tree, shoes, outdoors.



    Of course, after tallying the checklist, it took awhile to do all the reporting. Bernie and Peter got a landslide in Jericho...and Jericho is one of 7 towns in the state that seem to vote the same as the whole state tends to vote.

    24.16% of registered voters showed up.

    2 Progressive Ballots
    307 Republican Ballots
    703 Democrat Ballots

    were used. In Vermont, one is handed all three ballots, and chooses one to vote by. That one is placed into the counting machine and the other two in the Unused Ballots box.

    I might have used a Progressive Ballot (which was blank so would be all write-ins), just to highlight the good of more parties, if there hadn't been so many people in line to vote; as I was needed to check people in. 😃

  4. One thing I enjoy when checking in people who have arrived to vote is when someone pulls out their ID as they come up to give their name. I smile and say, "No thank you; you are still in Vermont." 😊
