Friday, February 09, 2018

Hurrah for the Plow Guys!


  1. That looks line an awfully serious piece of machinery, listener!


    P.S.: I am reminded of a photograph I once saw of a steam locomotive with a snow plow (a real plow) on the front--that had another locomotive on top of it! They had met going different directions.

    1. And what about the plow gals? Those things probably have power steering, power brakes, and automatic transmissions these days, so brawn shouldn't be a factor. A plow gal would probably take out fewer mailboxes and suchlike.



    2. I hear you, Alan. We have a mail lady, in fact the entire PO is staffed by women at this point, since Bruce our Postmaster retired some years ago; I have three doctors who are all women, and most of the clergy I know these days are women. But for some reason I have yet to meet or hear of a plow woman.

  2. Bill, so glad you're wound is healing! ♥

    LOL Susan. I always knew Al Gebra was a terrorist organization. As for slide rules, there ought to be a UN convention against them!

    I got a Blogger error screen the other day and nearly panicked.

  3. And hurrah for the people who shovel sidewalks. Including my wife and son. (Winter storm not as severe as predicted, but still looks like 6-7 inches.)

    1. Yeah! We're too rural for sidewalks here, but I'm the one who shovels out the mailbox and the area around where the plow guy plows. He does do the mailbox, but after the town plow comes through on the road it needs it again. Mind you, our mail lady has a pretty awesome Jeep with AWD and great tires. But I like to make her job a little easier. I actually enjoy shoveling...unless it's the whole dang driveway!

  4. Replies
    1. Haven't read it yet, but certainly agree with the proposition.


    2. No, but Independents can run and win on the fact that the Dems and Repubs are all incompetent.

  5. Trump White House’s [first] year of permanent scandal[Click] A timeline/list.

    “One of the reasons Porter was allowed to stay put in the WH is that there simply aren’t enough competent people in the WH or willing to work in the WH. They needed him. Badly.”
    Who’da thunk?

    Newly rediscovered book evidently inspiration for Shakespeare[Click]


  6. So the corporate tax cut and the spending bill are both going to cause major increases in the national debt. But nothing I'm seeing provides the information that, IMHO, the public needs to evaluate the effects.

    Taking on debt to support things like long-term infrastructure projects is a good thing. This is analogous to individuals taking on mortgage debt in order to buy a house. For both individuals and governments there can be other fiscally sound reasons to take on debt. But the crucial point is the ratio of debt payments to income. If payment on your debts are eating up too much of your current income, you're in trouble. And nobody is telling us just what fraction of the federal government's income is or will be going to debt payment.
