Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Bearing Love


  1. Dean friends are first!

    LOL Puddle, Catnip hangover. I'll have to remember that. Like how Snoopy has root beer hangovers? Funny about the wild felines. Curiously, none of our cats have ever been all that affected by the stuff. Mostly, they don't even play with their toys, whether they have catnip in or not. *shakes head* Our kitties never do any of the normal kitty things.

  2. Still very cold. Supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow and the next day, with highs in the upper teens, then turn down again with single-digit highs Monday and Tuesday. That sort of cold hasn't been common the past couple of decades, although it was more or less in the 1980s. I remember a month when the temps almost never got above freezing and also remember a couple of time with lows of -26F. That was when had a job downtown.

    1. It's cold here too. We're currently at -7F on the way to -11F tonight. There is a thick layer of frost on the INSIDE, at the bottom of our double-paned windows.

  3. Oh those cats!

    Catreona: "Are the toys organic and clean, so to speak? For instance, the catnip toys from Cat Faeries are hand made in California with organic catnip and carefully selected felt and other materials. The toys never get irradiated or doused with chemicals."

    puddle: "Well, there's something in catnip that makes cats drunk, so. . . . Maybe the throwing up is just a response to the hangover? ... There was a woman writer in VA who grew it, and bobcats and cougars used to hang around it. . . . and get drunk, just like tabbies!"

    Thanks for the thoughts on this!

    We are now CERTAIN it was the new toys because as soon as we took away the toys there was no more barfing.

    They have had catnip many times before and been fine with it, so there is something unique to this toy. I am going to bring it to the attention of the owner of the place where we bought it. They are really nice folks who run a small business, and are conscientious. Catreona, I suspect this batch was made in a foreign country and may have something in it besides catnip, or inferior catnip, or as you suggest it was irradiated or includes harmful chemicals. I will need to go back to the store and read the label again, and look more closely. It's too bad, too, because it came as a two-pack and the toys were small and heart-shaped. Really cute! But not healthy somehow.

    1. That is too bad. Poor kitties!

      Here's the link to Cat Faeries' legendary cat toys page. Scroll almost halfway down to find the hearts.

      Cat Faeries Legendary Cat Toys - Click Have fun browsing!

  4. Irradiation should do nothing but sterilize (without heating); it leaves no residue. And we have never had a cat that demonstrated any interest in a catnip toy.


    1. We have catnip growing all around the house. When all 3 cats were here they'd pretty much go nuts it you just nipped off the top with the blossom. It seems to be self-propagating because, except for a bit, we did not plant it all over.

  5. I scheduled a post for tomorrow. Listener, if you need me to do more, just say the word. Not that my posts will be inspired, but maybe they'll be better than nothing, especially if you are busy or exhaustified.

    1. ♥ Thank you SO MUCH, Cat!! ♥

      Littlest Grandson arrived from Maine with his Mama today and I completely blanked on the need to update the blog!! I think I'm back on track now. I have posts ready through Tuesday morning, and will have time at that point to extend them. All good! Yours is all set for 1:00am. I hope you don't mind that I enlarged it to make it easier to read. That was good quick thinking on your part!!

      Anyone is free to set something to post at ANY time. If you have the keys, post away. If you don't have keys but would like to post something, simply email it to me and I'll post it for you. Happy 3rd Day of Christmas!

      On this day 45 years ago, Mah*Sweetie (hereafter referred to as Wil), proposed and I said yes. Tonight also marks 43.5 years (to the day) since our Wedding. Still happiest together! 💙💙

    2. 43.5 years is a pretty good start, all right. [grin]


  6. Trump Saw Record Number of First-Year Staff Departures[Click] Why stop now?[Click]

    Dean Tells Older Dems to ‘Get the Hell Out of the Way’ December 28, 2017

    Howard Dean told MSNBC[Click] that older members of the Democratic Party need “to get the hell out of the way and have somebody who is 50 running the country.”

    Said Dean: “I think my generation needs to get the hell out of politics. Start coaching and start moving up this next generation who are more … fiscally sane. Neither Republicans or Democrats can claim they are fiscally responsible anymore.”

    He added: “This young generation is going to pay for that if we don’t get the hell out of the way and have somebody who is 50 running the country.”

    Sounds pretty reasonable to me; US Grant took command of the Union armies at the age of 42, and assumed the Presidency at the age of 46. Lincoln became President at 51, FDR at 53.


    1. My fifty-fourth birthday is coming up next month. So, am I one of those being swept out, or one of those being ushered in?

    2. Ushered in, of course! Me, I'm no longer a registered Democrat, much less a party notable, so I am neither.


  7. Don't know how much interest this will have for People on the coasts, but it might explain some things: <a href=">A roadmap for reviving the Rust Belt </a>. Essentially, universities and immigration have been the keys for the places that have recovered from the loss of manufacturing jobs under Reagan.

    1. Interesting.

      I've been reading about Swansea [click] on Wikipedia. It certainly sounds like the universities in that area have been a big help in reviving the economy. Did you know Swansea University is a world leader in elementary particle and String Theory research? Also, their medical school is ranked third in Britain, after Oxford and Cambridge. The area isn't exactly thriving, but it is pulling out of what we would call Rust Belt depression.

      I was stunned to learn they have three mosques, as well as a Buddhist center and a Catholic cathedral. There are beautiful, sandy beaches; and, you can surf along the coast! Surf, in Wales! Who knew?

    2. It certainly sounds like one could do a lot worse than to live in Swansea, Cat.


    3. So I've been thinking, Alan. It is a bit of a hike to London, which is a drawback, but there are definite advantages.

    4. It is an interesting article, Bill. And there is no shortage of places on or near the coasts that are post-industrial and not doing well. As well as some that are doing well. The greater Los Angeles area went whole hog on transportation following the collapse of aerospace manufacturing, and now 40% of US imports come through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. I can remember when the Port of San Francisco was active--and how they were too slow to transition to container traffic, losing out to Oakland. San Francisco used to have a lot of manufacturing, too. One wonders how to help not only the has-beens, but also the never-weres.

