Saturday, January 16, 2016


How little is he?  Well, those sunglasses would fit our 3 month old granddaughter!


  1. Awww, where'd everybody go? Bill is at a con, true?

    Alan, Thanks!! Your pkg was waiting when I arrived home tonight from meeting Grandbaby! I hope to have chance to check it out over the coming week. Back to the quilt tomorrow and I want to wait until the household is quiet again. :-)

  2. It's good to be home, though it was amazing and lovely and wonderful to hold and enjoy our new Grandbaby, delight in our Daughter's deep joy, and play fun games with our Maine granddaughters. I also made several meals, including one to leave for tonight, for when Daughter and Grandbaby went home from the hospital! We are soooo happy they are home!! No more heel pricks for the little guy!
