Friday, May 29, 2015



  1. Howard and Bernie are way up at the top!

  2. Alan, I am appreciating your Bernie links!!

    1. Thank you; of course way out here Bernie is not as well known as in your neck of the woods. I noted this snippet in yesterday's newspaper (in the small section topical humor section on the editorial page):

      "I was surprised to hear this. Hillary Clinton's Super PAC has reportedly been struggling to raise money. It's gotten so bad, they may have to start reaching out to Americans." --Seth Meyers

      And shortly off to work.


    2. LOL Good luck to them. Someone called Mum last week looking for money for Hillary and Mum gave the volunteer an earful. Really surprised me. I thought she was madly, blindly devoted to Hillary. Apparently not. She reported to me that she told the volunteer, among other things, "Bernie Sanders speaks for me." Good thing I was holding on to my walker! Otherwise I would have fallen down in shock. Of course, that doesn't necessarily translate into a vote for Bernie when the rubber meets the road, but it's a start.

  3. Cat, I can finally fully answer your question about Bernie's Campaign address.
    It is 131 Church Street, Suite 300. But don't fret at all if you already mailed there without the "Suite 300" part, because the post office definitely knows. :-) heck, you could just write "Bernie in Vermont" and it would get there! :-D

    1. LOL From withing Vermont, no doubt. Here in Massachusetts, the Post Office returns mail lacking a Zip Code as undeliverable, unimaginative meanies that they are.
