Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Service


  1. Howard looked around and noticed that it was Christmas Eve, and was glad. Me, too.

    I want to say brutally cold, but it's not--just much colder than I wish.

    Lousy time trying to sleep last night--to bed at two, toss/turn, finally sleep at seven, up at noon.

    Christmas shopping virtually done.

    Dear Santa, I wish for a phone line that actually works, heaters, ditto, better weather and some sleep please.

    1. If Howard Dean is looking around up here, puddle, he's seeing that it's 1F and there is a half inch of ice on everything and snow on top of the ice!

  2. Finally got my Christmas cards/letters done and mailed. Couldn't find the stamps, but we had some obsolete stamps (22 and 25 cents) that would be used in combinations. Penny found where I had left the stamps after she got home from work.
