Monday, April 29, 2013

Blueberry Birthday Cake

Today is Mah*Sweetie's Birthday!!  I made this cake for him last year!


  1. Howard is first, and so is that delicious-looking cake.

  2. Alan ~~ Thanks for the link to Project Gutenberg's science fiction. Mostly very old stuff, of course, but I was surprised to find that Simak's stories are not the only ones that I would regard as relatively modern -- meaning since I started reading. I had not realized copyright had expired on them.

  3. Hope listener's squeeze is having a grand birthday, though I don't see how not, what with a grandson and a blueberry cake!

  4. Does look like a grand cake!

    Bill, sometimes it is surprising to find what has slipped into the public domain while we weren't looking.

  5. It was a nice birthday! In addition to all the family time over the weekend and meeting our grandson, today we had a quiet day OFF...took a drive to look for signs of Spring. While we weren't allowed to visit GrandSon and his 'Rents in person today (they had a hard day), we did enjoy some Face Time with iPhones tonight. ♡ He's such a beautiful baby!! ♡
