Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Purple Zinnia


  1. Howard Dean was the first Democratic presidential candidate I really wanted to vote for since Walter Mondale, and I did.

    I figured I would get a good response here to the goings-on at the DNC, and so it seems. I will probably go look at some of the speeches online. Probably the First Lady's first.


    P.S.: Left leg getting better day by day. Woke up because of enough sleep the past two mornings, not because of analgesics wearing off.

    1. I've on the whole been happy to vote for all the Democratic candidates. I was -- and am -- enthusiastic about Howard because he was the first candidate at any level to ask not only for my vote, and maybe my money, but for my help. Got me involved for the first time in active campaigning. I regret that I have so far been too busy with other things to help out this year. Maybe things will slack off a bit before Election Day, but I have little confidence.

      Won't be following the DNConvention. Except for the night Howard (and, coincidentally, Obama) spoke in 2004, I never have. To my mind it's all staged theater that has little or no relation to real policy issues.

    Good Lord.



  3. FLOTUS Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee
    Mass. Democrats Give Romney the Death Hug
    Democrats Retreat on Civil Liberties in 2012 Platform


  4. Whew!

    Someone Has Romney's Taxes?

    by BooMan
    Wed Sep 5th, 2012 at 03:29:00 PM EST
    If this is true, someone broke into a PricewaterhouseCoopers office in Tennessee and stole records of Mitt Romney's tax returns. And they are asking for a million bitcoins to either release the records or to destroy them. Apparently, they have already sent flash drives containing encrypted copies of the returns to both the local party offices. If Romney doesn't come up with a million bucks before September 28th, they'll tell people how to de-encrypt the flash drives. If someone other than Romney pays a million bucks to them, they will release the records earlier than September 28th.

    I do not know if this is a hoax or not.

  5. I just got around to listening to Former Governor Strickland's speech at the DNC. Even though the lost his bid for re-election, damn, that man is full of WIN.

  6. Got home from Chicon Monday night. Totally exhausted at the time. Tumbled into bed as soon as could be. Got a really good night's sleep, plus a nap Tuesday afternoon -- even though, as expected, my client had work waiting for me. But that work is now finished and I'm caught up with most of the other stuff that needs to be done.

    Did I have fun at Chicon? That's what the chairman asked me on the last day. Actually I was too busy to have fun. Did I have a feeling of accomplishment, he then asked. Yes, now that I have had time to recover, there is definitely a feeling of accomplishment. It was a great con and several people who had no reason to notice disability services went out of their way to compliment us on how well our department worked.

    1. Bill, well done! You should feel proud! And I hope you do.

      And welcome back, stranger.
