Monday, August 06, 2012



  1. Howard is special. Truth.

    So is this crew. Wonder why, lol!

  2. Sweetie's brother Larry (the one with pancreatic cancer) made two trips to the ER this weekend and has some sort of infection. =Sigh=

  3. We got over two inches of rain yesterday afternoon and overnight! Got an anxious inquiry this morning from Nancy as to the state of the river/bridge. Nada. Maybe an inch or two higher, and a bit jade, but not remotely flood.

    Trip to town/doc this (late) morning. Just to "read" the bloodwork.

  4. Clever butchers, lol! This is the second bag of chicken quarters that aren't. These quarters don't have HALF the back bone, they have the WHOLE back bone. I 'spect the other thigh/drumbstick goes in a thigh or drumstick package, and is sold for a good bit higher since I got to pay for the whole backbone. However, since Beau gets the backbones, no loss to me, really, as long as the cost per pound stays under a buck. . . .

    Is this political? I actually think so, since it's an observation on how some of us try to put something over on others of us, hoping the others won't notice. Have ya'll noticed that your quart of mayonnaise likely no longer is a full quart?

    1. puddle, I always heard that chicken bones were bad for dogs because they splinter inside the dog?

    2. LOL! I did, too. Had to do a LOT of reading on RAW feeding of dogs, and listening to a couple of friends who have done it to be convinced. The secret is: cooked poultry bones splinter, but evidently uncooked ones don't. Some dogs will have trubble with too much pork/bones, so you need to be careful there. But that week I was in the cardiac wing, and my neighbor was feeding him, that's ALL he got: two raw chicken quarters a day: he bloomed! His coat was so healthy, his breath was terrific, and he smelled good! I wish I could afford to do totally RAW for him, all the time! As it is, it gets supplemented with kibble -- and he doesn't smell near as good!

  5. You know, something is weird these days. I went to the bank about a quarter to eight and THE SUN WAS SETTING!

  6. Bill, I hope that was PM. ;-)

  7. E X H A U S T I F I E D!

    Had two naps today and still can hardly keep my eyes open. Might have something to do with the heat and humidity last night, and the news about Larry, keeping me awake until 4:00am, while Grand (who didn’t crash until 11:00pm yet always sleeps to about 8:30 or 9:00am waking up for the day at 6:30am. Heh. Also, I’ve had a slight sore throat all day. Still waiting to hear on my dearest friend’s biopsy. Tomorrow is the likely day. Prayers appreciated. ♥
