Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just for fun--indulge me please? :)

I posted this on Facebook on June 22, but stuff seems to get lost on FB pretty easily. But I thought come on--someone out there might enjoy this. And even (I can only hope) play with this silly toy on their own, and share the wacky results that ensue. :)

"> Hello, I am Eliza.

* Hi, Eliza. Do you mind if I call you Liza for short?
> We were discussing you, not me.
* I didn't think we had officially started our discussion just yet. I was just asking how you prefer to be addressed.
> Oh... prefer to be addressed?
* Yes. You may call me Renee. Should I call you Eliza, or Liza, or just "Yo computer simulated babe!"?
> We were discussing you, not me.
* I see that you were first created in the 1960s--so the "broken record" expression should not be lost on you...
> Oh... was first created in the 1960s--so the" broken record" expression should not be lost on me?"
Wow--it was NOT easy to find the Eliza link I used. Had to look back through history, which fortunately I had not yet cleared,

This is the first link I found when I tried to search just from scratch

Which yielded the following interaction:

Eliza: Hello. I am ELIZA. How can I help you?
You: I can't find my socks
Eliza: Why do you say your socks?
Geez, what fun is that?


  1. Howard Dean is way more First than E-Liza!

    Eliza sounds like "early Siri" and hasn't developed much along the way.

    Can you tell Siri annoys me?

    I did get one good response from Siri back in March, which must have been beginner's luck.

    "Siri, what is the date for Easter this year?"

    "Easter is on Sunday, April 8th. I hope you have the day off."



    (OK, so we inhabit a special country.)
    Ah, we do indeed...especially the Vermont portion!

    Hoping all goes well when you visit the human beans. Prayers ensuing that sensible minds prevail. ♥'d the Background Check Meeting go today?? I've never heard of one either!

    More to follow...just want to post this much before it disappears...yano?

  3. puddle, I LOVE your daily notes and quips! I need more time in my life right now so that I can offer similarly. Those Baby Cats have needed a lot of my energy so far, but they are doing lots better and settling in. Ahhhhh.

  4. Catrona...I'm so glad you got to visit Binky! =^. .^= (And to get out in general and will soon see friends!) ♥

    I had an Emma moment today. Two days ago I found Spinnaker standing on the hearth with a mouthful of fur. Upon inspection I found it to be a tuft of cat fur right down to the bloodroot! Given how she and Mizzen tussle, I assumed she had torn a tiny chunk out of her sister and we had to reassess leaving them together when we're out for a few hours. BUT! I found another tuft this morning on the stairs, and finally had the time to match the fur to the cat. The fur is the same basic colouring as Mizzen's but it doesn't follow her patterns. Suddenly I realised that this was some tuft of EMMA's fur that had somehow survived and been unearthed by the kitties! Perhaps it was behind the couch or in some far corner behind a box. So I got out the lock of fur we kept from the day Emma died, which means I took down her little wooden box and opened it. And THERE were her photos and mementos.

    So sweet of the little kitties to remind me of Emma this way! I still miss her sooo much! =^. .^=

    1. And I'm super glad Spinnaker ISN'T taking tiny chunks out of Mizzen!! To watch them play you wouldn't be surprised if it were true. Ha! But I checked her over very well and she's all there. { ! }

  5. Cat! Thanks enormously for your very helpful information for my friend!!! He is probably not ready to deal with some of this yet, but he's getting there. Where you suggested he not take what the Commission tells him as Gospel, I had to chuckle. I'm sure he won't as he's a clergy person! :-D

    Bill, what might you recommend to someone with macular degeneration? He can still drive in daylight, but not for much longer. He's a very personable person, extroverted and wise. Having spent his entire life serving others as a UCC pastor, it's a big change to be the one with the big needs. His health has been slowly deteriorating in other ways as well, though, so he's learning.

    1. Of course, one key thing here is to find oneself empowered even in the face of diminishment of skills and abilities. I'm sure you know a lot about that empowerment. I'm all ears.

    2. 40+ years ago I made a point of buying a house in an area with good public transportation -- in large part because I didn't want to drive any more than I absolutely had to. I am less than half joking when I say that one of the consolations for having poor vision is that I now have a perfect excuse not to drive.

      But so much depends on exactly where he lives. If public transit isn't an option and local government makes no provisions, cab may be the only possibility. Or move somewhere that *I* would consider a better place to live. ;-)

    3. As for empowerment, do you think he could get to Chicago on July 21? That's our annual Disability Pride Parade. And part of the mission statement reads, "Disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity in which people living with disability can take pride."

      These things happen. People with disabilities are the minority that anybody can join at any time. But it's amazing just how much things have changed in the past 20 years. Assistive tachnology especially. I've done panels at science fiction conventions about how it won't bee too long before assistive technology literally makes us *better* than normal. People often forget that the Six Million Dollar Man was severely, severely disabled before he got his enhancements.

    4. Thanks, Bill, for your good points and helpful idears. Given all he's going through this year, I imagine next year would be a better idear for regards going to Chicago. His daughter died in December and he has mobility issues to tend right now. However, where he lives, public transit is quite available.

  6. Ooooo...Cat....I haven't tried the Chocolate Therapy yet. Does it come in the light version?

    1. Donno. Dad bought the full strength version, but it probably comes in fro yo. I really liked the Chocolate Fudge Brownie fro yo. Tasted exactly the same, only lighter. Fro yo has come a loooong way.

    2. It sure has. My fave is still Cherry Garcia light.

  7. Wow! And again I'll say Wow!
    Alan, what a revelation to take in. It was foolish of those women and lucky for them no one checked on such things back then. Sounds like we're just darned lucky to have you here at all.
    And as well!! Amazing what our forebears lived through, isn't it?

    My own wild story is that my father's ancestors living in the Scottish Highlands were cow thieves. They stole other people's cows by night. They were so notorious that to this day the full moon is known in those parts as "McFarland's Lantern." A patriarch later added an "a" so it became MacFarland. But thems the dudes that did the deeds!

    Mah*Sweetie got a sweeter story. His peeps were Knights!

  8. Ah, puddle, I wish you well with your USBing and whatnot! After Sweetie ordered my new drive, we discovered it's not coming until next Tuesday and there is no tracking or delivery confirmation with it either. Great, huh?

    So I have to wait to do my photo downloading. I am literally sending ONE photo at a time to my computer (from my iPhone) so that I can keep the photo posts going here.

    Bit by bit...

  9. Cat...since you did it once before and the knowledge is somewhere inside you, I hope you will dream the solution!

    1. Thanks, but I won't hold my breath.

    2. And in terms of the stories, I'll put what puddle said in a different way: In their own good time, your characters will get around to telling you what they did. If you try too hard to push them they'll just get stubborn.

    3. LOL Bill, thanks. That's an easier way for me to understand it.

    4. Listener, thank you for that vote of confidence. It was just the catalyst I needed. After a little more work on harmonizing "Should I Lie" I closed it and fell to pondering. The solution had something to do with the staff view. But you can only select one track in staff view... Or, can you?

      Holding down Shift, I selected two tracks and, hey presto! Two tracks showing in staff view. Absurdly simple. What is it Gandalf says? "Too simple for a loremaster in these troubled times" - something like that. Thank you for your gentle encouragement.

    5. Uploaded the .prin file of the song to Nige's FB group, not that he has a lot of time to look at such things. But, it's there.

      I feel a great sens of accomplishment. That inability to remember how to print was really upsetting me. I did that and gave a song to my friend for him to look at when he has time. Two biggish things done in one evening.

    6. And if you're wondering what on Earth I'm doing up at this hour...gargling (sore throat :-( ).

    7. PLUS I got to clean up some serious kitty barf after Spinnaker over filled her tummy. At least I hope that's all it was. Off to a golden start. Memorable Anniversary at least. Heh.

  10. Thanks for posting the Ally update, puddle!

  11. Eliza was originally developed for non-directive psychotherapy. The idea was just to keep people talking about their problems and they'd work them out for themselves. A human psychotherapist could do it better, keep the conversation more on track, but some people benefited just from talking with Eliza. That's why she kept waying, "we were talking about you." Talking about the human was the whole point of the interaction.

  12. When I read the Eliza stuff it prompted me to quote my 7-year old grandson, "What the what?"


  13. Gosh -- sorry I missed this last night! Good to catch up, lol!

    Glad I got it.

    Bill's right, Cat. At one point, in novel #2, I had it all planned out for my character to do this/that. When I got right up to that point, she just damned outright refused! I was stunned! I later figured out, that I'd drawn her character SO well, that she *knew* she'd never do that! So I just kept writing, and watched HER decide what to do. Was more tickled at her choice than mine, lol! And she was *right*!
