Wednesday, June 13, 2012

From Both Sides Now


  1. Replies
    1. Yep!!

      How's da baby cat doin'?

    2. Baby Cat is doing okay. She has congestion which complicates feeding, but she's a trooper. She slept for two hours which allowed me to shower and dress, eat and clean house! Now she's falconing on my shoulder. She loooves the bed we got her as it's soft, furry and white like her Momma, which makes her tread and purr. Sure do hope the vet figures out from the culture what she needs because she's such a keeper! Now I need to wear her out a bit so she will hopefully sleep through my afternoon guidance meeting (here).

      =^. .^=

    3. listener, glad to hear that Mizzen has adopted you.

  2. I didn't know about Howard's hip replacement; and (too typical for a guy) I didn't realize he had dyed his hair.

    Re pictures with posts, I am disinclined to set up a Google account. Put me down for a fogey.

    I was puzzling through various letters from our auto insurance company, and realized that after replacing the ten year old smashed car with a fairly expensive new car (plus new car replacement coverage added to the latter), our insurance premium went DOWN about $70 per year. Doesn't seem like they want to chase us away, eh?


    1. Guess it proves auto insurance rates are incomprehensible. Every time we've got a new car the rates have gone up. Because, of course, the amount of money the company would have to pay out if the car was totaled has gone up.

    2. Just realized I've only ever had ONE new car in my life. And sold it before it was a year old because I was going to China. Howumevah, I sold it at what I'd paid for it -- luck of the draw: I bought a Datsun B210 in 78. By the time I sold it, the oil embargo was building. . . . If I'd delayed going to China a couple of months, I could have sold it for more than I paid for it! But, since in general, that XXX amount $ loss the second you drive it off the lot is too much for me to swallow. . . . (Every once in a while my Scots genes surface and take over, lol!)

    3. We've always bought new cars because we didn't want to take the risk it had been traded in because of its problems. (Why else would somebody trade in a perfectly good car? we figure.) And averaged over 8 or 10 years or whatever, that first year doesn't really matter.

    4. I think your thinking is absolutely right Bill -- if you DO buy a used one, you have to be ultra careful. And, of course, I *planned* to drive the Datsun for 15 or 20, lol! Best car I have personally ever owned is the one I have now: 95 Ford Escort wagon -- terrific mileage, virtually NO problems (a few, but nothing big). Still getting about 40mpg. Even the paint is still in good condition. Irony: I was never a fan for Fords, lol!

    5. Interesting about the insurance.

      As to Google: you're probably right. They aren't perfect, that's for sure. Since taking over YouTube they have made it unattractive, hard to use and totally lacking in the quirky charm that first endeared it to me and I'm sure many other users. To me that is not good citizenship.
