Monday, June 11, 2012

The Chase is ON!


  1. Bill Thomasson6/11/2012 12:23:00 PM

    Well, well, well. Past 11 (Central) and no one has yet observed that Howard remains first in the heats of (many of) his countrymen.

    Looks like another hottish day. Current temp 79. Intermittent clouds and a bit of a breeze.

  2. Nice, green, and cool -- haven't made seventy yet.

    I'm just vegging today. Haven't even got dressed, yet. Though looks like I'll be moving the car up the hill as a *rain prevention* measure. . . . And then just worry about the tomatoes on the beach which are virtually TOO heavy to move now. . . .

  3. Hi guys!

    Was pretty miserable over the weekend but feeling better now, thank goodness.

    Got another quiz accepted and put up at Fun Trivia last night. Today received my certificate for completing Abacus 2. Got a B, which is pretty good in my view, considering that Math in any form and I don't normally get along well.

    Got back to work on "World Enough and Time." It's coming along well. Still have problems to sort out, but made good progress yesterday.

    In the past few days I've also gotten back, after several months, to David Rockefeller memoirs. What a fascinating man, and what a full and interesting life he led!I think he laid rather too much emphasis on the primacy of Business and the private sector. I agree with much of what he says, though, finding it intelligent, well thought out and very sensible. Not only do we need more Republicans like DR, we need more Americans like him.

    1. Bill Thomasson6/11/2012 06:47:00 PM

      Hi, Cat! Glad to have you really, truly back with us. We've missed you. And it was a bit frustrating a few days ago when you said "Hi!" but then we didn't hear any more. Suppose that was better than total silence, though.

      Have you downloaded your Hugo packet yet?

    2. Hi Bill, sorry to have worried you!

      Don't seem to have received my Hugo packet, though admittedly I haven't been keeping the closest of watches on my e-mail. I take it you've gotten yours?

    3. Bill Thomasson6/12/2012 12:58:00 AM

      Chicon has had problems with their e-mail program that has prevented sending out alerts about the packet. But it is available on the Web site. You'll need your membership number and Hugo PIN, which are available in the e-mail about Hugo nominations that you should have gotten in February.

  4. Just saw a recent pic of the Gov. Has he been ill? Looks to have lost forty or fifty pounds!

  5. Whoa! I see what you mean, puddle. In that particular picture he does look ill.


    1. I think it's the angle, and he does keep trim now. No more Krispy Kreme Donuts! LOL!

  6. Son receiving his Excellence in Math award

  7. Home!

    Eldest tells us Mizzen is still chugging. He thinks she's doing a little better than a few days ago, but we may need to wait a few more days to get her. Waiting to hear how it went at the vet's today. DIL hasn't called for some reason.

    We made the decision today that if Mizzen doesn't make it, we'll adopt Spinnaker with Momma cat. Wish we could take all three.

  8. For the benefit of the non-Facebook people, I will repost what I just posted there...

    The commencement speaker at Son's graduation was, to borrow an expression from an old Mad TV episode, insanely disappointing.

    I think if you are asked to give a commencement address, before you begin to write it, you should ask yourself, "Do I have an ax to grind?" If the answer is yes, you should take that ax, and find a secure place to lock it up. Then maybe ask someone to hide the key from you.

    He was some big muckety-muck from the school, who had recently retired. He'd been with the school from way back. Showed a number of slides throughout the talk. One of himself getting an advanced degree. Slides of each of his sons, none of whom received a college degree, but he's proud of them, and they are difference-makers, yadda yadda yadda.

    Then he ran through this list of generic advice/inspirational quotes for the graduates. One of them was something like "fully occupy your space". At that point, he felt compelled to say that there is a "good way" and a "bad way" to do that. The bad way is the way that some of the Occupy Wall Street protesters do it.

    I know people reading these words will have varying opinions about that movement, and I am loathe to get into anything resembling a political debate. But I was just screaming inside my head "You didn't have to go there!"

    And he ended the presentation by showing, on one side of the screen, the photos of himself and his sons, and on the other side, a photo of the protesters. Think back to the Goofus and Gallant comics in Highlights Magazine. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.

    1. Renee, you're absolutely right. Regardless of what one thinks of the Occupy movement, the speaker's remarks were, to put it politely, inappropriate. What a self-serving jerk!

    2. I attended a Quaker meeting on Sunday morning, and someone there had also just attended a graduation, but apparently with a much better speaker. More uplifting, more universal.

      The other thing I was screaming inside my head at the close of the speech was, "Dude, this is a commencement address! It is, by definition, NOT ABOUT YOU!"

    3. I screamed a little too. It isn't supposed to be like that.

      We were really surprised when the big name jock they got to give the address at Dr*Son's PhD graduation turned out to be a highly appropriate and inspirational speaker...even humble.

      You just can never tell.

  9. Don't think I said... Cute kitties!

    1. Thanks, Cat!! Hoping to bring them both home later this week. Hope! Hope!! =^. .^= =^. .^=

  10. Perkins and (Mom's dog) Pablo had a glorious time romping together this weekend. They are nicely matched in age and energy level. Perky cried when they left.
