Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Welcome February!

{ { { floridagal! Comments are working now! I reposted your comment on the main blog thread, which I suspect is where you intended it. If I'm wrong come by and say and I can put it back up here. No worries! GREAT to see you here! ♥ Come by and say hallo!! To get to comments, just click on the day's thread title, then scroll down below the day's photo. Viola! ~ listener } } }


  1. Empowered by Howard Dean, we are going to get *everything* done in February! ;-)

  2. Long day today--to court in the Bay Area, two cases in one courthouse. Did a bit of shopping on the way back, not quite 12 hours from leaving to returning. Traffic and weather nothing to complain seriously about. Some fog in an unusual location on the way up. Around 80 mph most of the way. The grass is still brown on the hillsides, and very short! It sprouted when we had rain a couple of months back, and then died for lack of rain. This time of year the cattle should be grazing in lush green pastures. But not this year.

    Re juice cans, my mother used the old one-pound coffee cans (where you took the lid off with a key like a sardine can, so the metal top fit back on tightly) for steaming carrot puddings around Christmas. Alas, I haven't seen anything similar for decades.


  3. I recall those cans, Alan!

    I'm sad for the cows and bunnies and all other creatures who graze in Cali.

    How convenient to have two cases in the same courthouse! I imagine that's rare.

  4. Reposting for our dear ol' pal...!!

    Ken Ham says dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. His KY theme park gets 43 mil tax break.

    Posted by floridagal at 2:18:00 AM

  5. Bill Thomasson2/01/2012 11:11:00 AM

    Headline in today's Chicago Sun-Times: "Is this winter or spring? Neither. It's Chicago."

  6. NoCal was the only place I ever lived that didn't *brag* about it's lousy weather, lol! That includes SLC, Utah; Wash DC; Tianjin, China. Wonder what is up wit' dat?

  7. Here's the clickable version of floridagal's link!

    Ken Ham says dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. His KY theme park gets 43 mil tax break.

  8. This is rather cool!

    Flying People Stun New Yorkers

    Apologies, puddle, if you can't load the video. It shows three remote-controlled airplanes that look like three people. They were made to fly over Manhattan yesterday to promote a new movie coming out about three students who discover they have superpowers, including flying.
    Highly creative stunt!

  9. Surprised Homeland Security (HATE that title!) didn't shoot 'em down.

  10. Man in Afghanistan kills wife for giving birth to a daughter rather than a son.

    Those guys over there seriously need a biology class. They (like Henry VIII) should have to learn that it's the SPERM that decides the sex of the child, not the EGG~!!! GRRRRR!!!!

  11. Well, Sis is at the hospital having her biopsy. Patty took her. I'm very glad she was able to, since I'm feeling guilty about not being able to do it myself. We figure they won't be home till 3:00 at the earliest.

  12. Me too. And, yeah, it's a really dumb name for a federal department.

  13. Amazing how hard it is for some males to grasp that simple fact. You'd think they'd be strutting around like peacocks, all proud of the fact that *they* control the sex of the baby. Which reminds me - not in any way to make light of that monster's heinous act, but your remark, Listener, reminds me of something funny. Do you remember the episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show in which Georgette finds out she's pregnant and Ted is going around telling anyone who will stand still that it's his X and Y chromosomes that will determine the sex of the baby? Really funny stuff. That was usually rather a silly show, but sometimes it communicated interesting messages.

  14. Prayers for a good outcome, Cat. When will she know the results?

  15. I imagine the film company got permission.

  16. Y'know I DO remember that!

    They tried.

    Hey, it's good to have you here again. You've been missed.

  17. Well somebody has to be there to welcome her home! ♥

    Prayers ensuing...for skill and wisdom for her doctor
    and especially for the waiting, as that's the pits.

  18. Bill Thomasson2/01/2012 05:53:00 PM

    Remember, we're talking about seriously uneducated people here. The very concept of sperm and egg would probably be news.

  19. Apparently they view the uterus as a vending machine you can choose from. G1 for girl, B1 for boy. Women catch way too much hell in this world. WAY too much.

  20. You're right about that, Susan.

    Bill is right, of course. But it's hard to grasp that in this day and age such profound ignorance, and misogyny, still exists.

  21. They told her to call tomorrow, as they may have the results already. Also the radiologist who did the procedure told her he thinks thee is a very good chance indeed that it's benign, some sort of fibrous mass. She couldn't remember the exact term.

    She's still woozy from the local. Is that normal? I remember they kept me for observation for a while after my surgery, but it was so long ago that I don't remember how long or if I was sick for the rest of the day. It's worrisome.

  22. Bill Thomasson2/02/2012 12:20:00 AM

    A local anesthetic shouldn't leave her woozy. If they gave her a sedative along with it, that's different.

  23. It's a very good sign that the radiologist believes it's most likely benign! Hurrah!

    What sort of "local" was it? Do you know what sort of medication was used?

  24. Below is one example, but of course it all depends on the location of the biopsy, how much medication was used and what kind. I wonder if they gave her a little extra toward the end so she wouldn't have pain for awhile. Wanting the meds to wear off may be one of those "watch out what you wish for" things. But if she's concerned she should call the doctor. Since it's after hours, she might want to call the nurses on the unit where the biopsy took place, as they could likely advise...and they're working all night.

    Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - Health Information <http:>
    May 18, 2010 – Collect tissue samples (biopsy) for examination in the laboratory. .... The test usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, but it may take longer, ... You will feel groggy after the test until the medicine wears off, usually in a few hours.</http:>
