Thursday, February 02, 2012



  1. All ready for Candlemas! The house is clean, the food is made, the candle making supplies are all accounted for, and I melted the wax once tonight to speed up the melting in the morning. Ahhhh! It's my personal Winter festival. And Howard Dean is first!

  2. Cat, I responded to your med query on the last thread. ♥

  3. Indeed it is Candlemas. Thank you for reminding me. Stealing the photo for Arty. But as you, listener, are listed as a contributor, it isn't really stealing, is it? *grin*

  4. Got 'em, Listener and Bill. Thanks.

    She took some Tylinol around 8:00 and went to bed about 10:30. Since I wasn't with her, I don't know the answers to any of your questions. She said something about their wanting her to come in again tomorrow, that is today, but I'm not clear on what's happening with that. If she does go in, no doubt she'll inquire about the sickness and weakness. It's very worrisome.

  5. catching up with catching up…

    Yes, listener, it is unusual to have a double header in the same courthouse. They were both fairly simple cases for me, and both the juries seemed to be exceptionally receptive; sometimes they can be very hard audiences.

    Hey, I thought dinosaurs aren't around anymore because the WEREN"T on Noah's ark. Is this Ham guy winging it? [Hmmmm…don't I remember that Ham was one of the sons of Noah?]

    I think that "Homeland Security" sounds like totalitarian terminology, or at least pathologically patriotic.

    Hi, Floridagal! Hi, Cat!

    Fingers crossed for Sis, Cat. Yes, the local shouldn't leave one woozy, but some sort of sedative would--say a fast-acting (and fast wearing off) barbiturate, or a benzodiazepine (e.g. Valium or Versed) would, and it wouldn't be uncommon to give something like that together with the local anesthetic, especially if the patient were apprehensive. [Been there, done that.] Not to worry about the side effects--by the time you read this they will probably be gone. As for coming in tomorrow, they probably just want to see how she's doing, make sure there isn't any bleeding or unreasonable bruising.

  6. Jon Stewart Takes On Mitt Romney's Bain Capital Credentials (VIDEO)

  7. You are welcome to any and all of my photos for Arty, Cat. You have a blank check! :-)

  8. I wonder if she had a mild reaction to the anesthetic they chose.

    As long as she didn't have a fever, she'll probably be fine.
    But I'm glad they're having her come in to check it out.

  9. Yeah, what Alan said.

    You can't beat wisdom and experience.

  10. Six more weeks of Winter, says Phil

    Aw, I didn't know the Inner Circle decides in advance what the prediction will be. How dumb is that? I mean, we have meteorologists for that. Besides, that is NOT the original tradition, so it doesn't count!

    Well, as for me, I'm predicting an early Spring because it was snowing here this morning and no one saw any shadows.

  11. I'm wit you, listener, lol! My ground hog *couldn't* have seen any shadow since it was raining to beat the band.

    Best way to know about the local vs sedation is whether they'll let you drive. With the endoscopy, no. (Goes for a lower GI endoscopy, i.e., colonoscopy, too.)

  12. Alan in California2/02/2012 10:58:00 AM

    Good point, puddle.

  13. Alan in California2/02/2012 11:01:00 AM

    Candlemas, Imbolc, Oimelc, Brigit, Brigid's Day, Bride's Day, Brigantia, Gŵyl y Canhwyllau...

    Raining lightly here this morning.

  14. Sis is feeling much better today , just tired and sore.

    The doctor called a couple hours ago. It's benign, something called Fibroadenoma.

    The doctor said there is no danger; they don't need to remove it.


  15. Sis doesn't drive. However, they didn't keep her, so presumably they thought she was able to drive. Good thing she wasn't alone though, because she reported the sickness as having set in right about the time they were leaving the hospital. As Alan predicted, she's fine n ow, so no harm done.

  16. That's good news and I'm sure a weight of worry removed.

  17. Thanks Susan, it sure is! I didn't realize quite how worried I was till the relief came.

  18. Bill Thomasson2/02/2012 05:09:00 PM

    *If* Sis had a sedative, they wouldn't have let her leave alone. Not even to walk home. But as long as someone was with her to do the driving, they wouldn't have held her.

    I don't have sedation with my colonoscopies because I know it's not needed. My first colonoscopy was apparently before sedation became routine; they said they could give me something if I needed it, but I didn't. So since it's not needed, I've refused it ever since. The minor discomfort is less of a hassle than having someone come get me.

  19. Bill Thomasson2/02/2012 05:10:00 PM

    That's good news. Although I always assume that the doctor's educated guess is probably right.

  20. Thanks, Puddle and Bill.

  21. O frabjous day!
    Callooh Callay!

    And there was great rejoicing!!

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  22. So far I'm way up to one pair of candles made. LOL!

    A seeker I used to meet with, but who moved several states away about six years ago, sent me a note asking if we could meet for awhile today. So I invited her to come and dip candles with me, which we did. I made one pair while she made two.

    Turns out she was really coming to tell me she is now only one state away (she's clergy, thus moves from time to time) and would I be willing to be her spiritual guide again. So that was a nice surprise for my day. :-)

    Plus, I still have tonight and all day tomorrow for more candle making! Bliss.

  23. I thought she was coming by for a few hours while in town. Turns out she drove 3.5 hours (each way) just to meet with me...! That possibility had never crossed my mind. * chuckle *

  24. Doesn't surprise me. You're that kind of person

  25. I believe she did it, and *also* that it wouldn't have crossed your mind. . . . I also agree with Cat. Who's the expert on pajamas, lol! Cause you ARE that. . . .

  26. Excellent news indeed, Cat! Now everyone can breathe, and maybe even laugh a bit.

  27. I have the problem with tight muscles in my right leg pretty much taken care of, but a tendon in the knee (quadriceps tendon, I think) is giving me fits. Now to rest the leg (no stretching exercises for a while), take aspirin for a few days, and stop at the drug store on the way to work in the morning to see if they have an inexpensive knee sleeve (elastic brace). As a backup I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday afternoon. (It was bad enough for that today.) Well, it didn't happen overnight, and it won't be cured overnight; but cured it will be.

  28. Awww, thanks. :-)

  29. When you are able to exercise it again, ask if an elliptical would be gentler than stretches.

    This is the one I use.
    It takes up little space and you can always use ski poles or a nearby chair to steady you as needed.

  30. My doc recommended it because I get knee issues with treadmills and such.
    In my case it has to do with one leg being just slightly longer than the other.
