Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Howard would be most first on the fine full heart day. . . .

  2. Alan in California2/14/2012 10:57:00 AM

    listener--that animated illustration of earthquakes is remarkable. Miyoko heard the sound and jokingly wondered if maybe I had become irate and was pounding on something with my cane! Then we watched the whole thing together.

    Knee dramatically improved, but will remain careful and keep a cane handy.

  3. Alan in California2/14/2012 11:06:00 AM

    "Hold onto your hats sci-fi fans, you’re about to find out how much, exactly, the Earth drags space and time along with it as it rotates."


  4. Mother of Invention ~~ just got some wonderful new longhorn cheese, and was wishing for cheese and crackers. No crackers. . . . So I made some, out of pancake mix and spicy mashed potatoes. . . . They're a tiny bit softer than commercial crackers, but I like 'em! Also don't have the whole rest of the box to deal with now that my Jones is happy.

  5. Cool! Very creative.

  6. Wow, Alan, thanks.

  7. Read this and please sign:


  8. Happy VD!!! :-)

  9. On campus waiting for some files to download. Thought I'd share this while I was waiting...

  10. Bill Thomasson2/14/2012 08:33:00 PM

    Well, I guess I'm fairly ancient.

  11. Lol! Me, too, Bill!

  12. Beautiful day here. And the Goobey under the porch again. I need to find a new storage place for the unused stained glass sheets. No. He didn't break any, but close call. He undug another bone, and then it disappeared, so maybe he thought it was too disgusting, though I didn't think he had a "too disgusting" gene in him, after the snake incident, lol!

    Made some headway in resorting my room. I have so many dolls that need fixing. I need to find a way to make that happen. Some are mine that have just been boxed for so long, they need brushing up on. Some getting a bit worse for the wear. And antique ones that need need bodies and some clothes. I used to love doing that, and I just seem to have forgotten. . . .

  13. Sent this from work during my dinner break, with my iPhone. Thus the brevity. 8-)

  14. I used to type on a manual typewriter in my days B.C. (B.C.E.)*.

    *Before Children (Before my Childbearing Era)

  15. Sounds like something that is a deep passion from awhile back. No doubt once you pick it up again it will flow. Give it a little energy and see what arises?

  16. BTW, best Valentine's ever! ♥♥

    I cleaned house and had dinner all set to pop into the oven.
    On the table were chocolate-dipped strawberries fresh from Snowflake Chocolates.
    Then I went to work.

    Came home and dinner was all ready.
    We watched Sweet Home Alabama.

    Sweet! Off for the night. :-)
