Sunday, October 09, 2011

Let the Light in...


  1. Howard would be first!

  2. Not warm yet, but expected to be 75ยบ today. Water tank caulked and filling. Front of house almost all shingled (shingles I brought from my mother's house -- old redwood shingles, hand split). I lost about 2/3rds of the ones I brought back in Hurricane Isobel in 2003. So finally, my front porch ceases to be a shingle storage facility, lol! Looks really nice. So now I'm motivated to finish the painting: posts, table/chairs, wicker chair, storage chest, storage racks.

    Being a nice weekend, full of good company.

  3. My neighbor tickles me sometimes. He's a really nice guy and extremely "yard proud". I'm ... well, ... not. The big tree out by the swing set is dropping bushels of golden leaves. I'm not raking yet because the city leaf pickup doesn't start til Oct. 24. I don't like to pile leaves in the street.

    Well, I looked out the back windows today and neighbor was using his leaf blower on vacuum. He was carefully sucking up the leaves in a perfect geometric straight line. All of them off his property and none off mine. Made me laugh. Sorry neighbor, I don't have any control over where the tree drops its leaves, or where the wind takes them.

  4. I have water *in* the house!

  5. {{ { = * = AWESOME! = * = } }}

  6. Neighbour sounds rather left-brained. :-D

  7. GORGEOUS weekend here!! Mah*Sweetie and I went for a foliage ride today and I took over 1000 photos. I also have a photo card with over 600 photos from the past week. All of this needs to be downloaded to my computer, but I'm down to just 6 gig of available memory for that. So first I need to move some stuff off my computer. Ha!

    Meanwhile, however, VT*Granddaughter is here! Grandad is on duty at the moment. Soon we'll have her all ready for bed and well fed and she'll fall asleep in the car on the way home for sure, because she hasn't had a nap today.

    Nice to both have tomorrow off too! :-D

  8. I love the thought of you having and using your Mom's nice shingles!

    Even more, I like the thought of you having more porch to enjoy.
    Please tell Son and his Dad that your friends afar are greatly comforted by their efforts!

  9. That's a kind way of putting it, listener.

  10. Puddle, is Thankful still there looking after you? And all this talk of moving things and painting things h as me worried. You *are* taking it easy, aren't you?

  11. What Cat said. At least somewhat easy, eh?

  12. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    ~ The Desiderata

    (I might add: "...and better that they not be fighting it with you." LOL!)

  13. Good Ally update!

    Cat--yes, especially if the area scanned is just a little bigger than the CD it calls for some tinkering, and if it is at an angle the lettering in particular may get the jaggies around the edges, but it can be the easiest way. The improved resolution that comes from scanning just a little more than the area of the disc rather than scanning the entire (legal-size?) area, then trimming the image and blowing it up, is well worth the trouble. Other techniques I have used are to do a screen capture (if it has video), or grab an image from Google "Images." Google Japan has a lot of very nice looking disc labels under their images (fair use laws there are more liberal), but that is not the easiest thing to use. Apple's DVD player was changed one or two iterations ago so you cant stop the play and take a screenshot--you just get a checkerboard. But VLC Player lets you take screenshots from a DVD.

  14. :-)
    Thankful hasn't arrived yet.
    But puddle's Son and Son's Dad were there for the weekend.
    Thankful to follow when the time is right.

    So, yeah, dear puddle: all things in moderation!
    Don't make us send Sheriff Chuck! 8-)

  15. You mean one of those little tubes with a handle? And when you turn the handle, *water comes out of the tube*?

  16. Well actually I was just riffing on something puddle herself said a few days ago.
