Monday, January 10, 2011



  1. It's Monday and it's still Dean.

  2. Nice sunburst photo, listener. Did you realize that the fan-shaped decoration often seen over doorways of Victorian houses is a stylized sunburst?

  3. Hi Alan. Yes, I did know that! :-) I took a very cool Home Econ. class in HS that was split into four parts. One part was about architecture and how to purchase a house. (Back then a good house cost about $25,000...!!) I got so much usable information from that class!

  4. Just read that Tom DeLay got sentenced to three years in prison. Am I a bad person because this news makes me happy?

  5. Grim, cold day here. Snow tomorrow should brighten things up a bit.

    Love the rays of sun, listener: thank you.

  6. If you are, Susan you are not alone. Main*Squeeze proclaimed it with gusto when he read of it. He did some muttering after that, but I didn't catch that.

    I could easily wish that no one ever needed to be incarcerated, and that no one ever did anything to deserve it. But as that is not the case, I am grateful for it. The timing is good, too, to perhaps serve as a reminder to a GOP that is too heady for its own good. So be it. The greedy always sew the seed of their own destruction.

  7. You are most kindly welcome, puddle! ♥

  8. Bill Thomasson1/10/2011 10:55:00 PM

    What I always think of is that if DeLay had been from Illinois instead of Texas he would not be going to prison because what he did would have been perfectly legal. Or more precisely, would have been unnecessary from the beginning. He was trying to conceal contributions that were against Texas law but not Illinois law.

  9. Whoohoo!

    Susan, if you're a bad person, I'm a bad person right there with you.

  10. Lovely photo, listener.

    We got breaks of sun today, but mostly things were pretty gray.

    Didn't get much of anything done. I'm going to have to mend my ways, or the whole year is going to slide by like this.

  11. Well, settle in, Cat, because you're getting another storm, Tuesday into Wednesday and will probably get 10-14" of snow.
