Friday, December 10, 2010

Cupcake Hat made by Susan!

Here is Ally and her Mommy and Ally is wearing the Cupcake Hat that Susan made for her!!


  1. Awh! The cutiest, and the firstiest!

  2. Even Howard Dean would say that Ally and Susan are First! :-)

  3. We are all the way up to freezing! And tomorrow, even warmer. A small oasis in the midst of winter. . . .

  4. We are all the way up to freezing! And tomorrow, even warmer. A small oasis in the midst of winter. . . .

  5. Lol! That was trying to post for a full hour! This software *really* sux. . . .

  6. Meant to say that when I first saw the pic last night, I wept. So much joy in those two faces, and so much reason for joy. . . . And Susan's hat was frosting on that cake so to speak. I *love* this community, and all the ways it finds to be supportive of each other, and the world at large. Another thank you to Howard Dean.

  7. Thanks for the picture, listener. I'm glad to see Mama looking so happy and carefree. And, of course, Ally is cute as a button.

  8. A limited venting here: I have the daughter-in-law from Hell.

  9. And BTW, Happy Birthday to HollyJ!!

  10. Wings and Horns? ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist. Don't mean to make light of your situation. I can understand because my wife and my mother never remotely got along.)

  11. I think it's a fairly common situation, sadly. I made the "from Hell" comment in my quilting group and the woman across from me said dryly, "Well, her sister married my son."
