Tuesday, May 11, 2010



  1. Tell ya what, bird. Howard Dean is first.

  2. Bill Thomasson5/11/2010 08:15:00 PM

    Wow! I thought *I* was the only one just too, too busy. (Found out this morning the new work is a rush job. And found out the reason my cell phone isn't connecting is that it has to go back to the provider for a software updat -- meaning a trip to the post office.)

  3. Conservatives and Lib Dems form coalition government, Labour pouts:


    And Naomi got the job! Last day of classes 5/20, first day of work 5/24! Of course she is ecstatic, and her parents are pretty close to it! Whew! Regular full-time job [illustrator/junior production assistant sort of job in a computer game company] with benefits, and in this job market too. It should do wonders for her self-esteem. Also all the illustrations she submitted for the school's Spring Show were accepted. DOUBLE WOOT!!

  4. =wOOt!=

    That is FABULOUS NEWS, Alan!!! Sweet Congratulations to Naomi! (Beautiful name.)

  5. Yikes, Bill! Another rush job? As Hubby would say, 'If they would only ever once plan ahead." These days, though, he'd be grateful for some rush jobs. Work here has all but stopped.

  6. Nice Firsties, Susan! :)

  7. Bill Thomasson5/11/2010 10:11:00 PM

    My congratulations to Naomi!

  8. Bill Thomasson5/11/2010 10:23:00 PM

    Yes. I am coming to believe that part of the problem is that the person I'm dealing with doesn't really control the timeline. Deadlines are set to meet the researchers' needs, and they don't always communicate those needs far enough in advance. Plus, like many people, they tend to put their own responsibilities to the process off to thte last minute.

    But now that I am no longer expected to be full-time, I can deal with rush jobs when I have to.
