Friday, May 14, 2010

Can the Mighty Mini carry all of this?

The Mighty Mini carried all of this plus two large bags of Moo Plus!


  1. Howard is most first. Again.

    Alan, thanks for the link ~~ I jus' knew it was out there, somewhere, lol! The Merck, I already knew was online. That 17th edition was the 100 year celebration, and came with a reproduction of the first one: 1899. Which was great reading, lol! Opium was in just about *everything*. . . . good for about anythang that ailed ya.

    Did daughter's contract include non-compete clauses (these very standard in accounting)?

  2. Pretty, bright and warm day here. With, of course, a severe thunderstorm warning in my mailbox. . . . Who *knew* that meteorologists were so adrenaline driven?

  3. My first temp scoring project since the debacle in Virginia last year. And my VERY first online project, although I've tried for a couple years to be put on such a project.

    And it's freaking analytic writing. *Regular* writing is hard for me to score, but this just sucks the life out of me. But apparently I *can* do it--and a lot of people can't. So I think the reason I'm getting a chance with the online thing is that I've actually done this before. My hope is that I can do a half way decent job on it, and have a chance to be called for something less aggravating. Which would be--anything else.

    Project ends Sunday, and I've barely gotten started. So much for proving my awesomeness.

    Sorry to just come here and dump.

  4. Big bear fight going on out there; lotsa blunder and lightening, good big wind gusts, and a bit of rain. WooHoo!! Talk about tempest tossed, lol!

    Ah! Now the rain beginning in earnest. Massive drumming on the roof. Big lightening bolt disconnected me, and the Brandywine number won't answer, so it's at Franklin now.

  5. Hope you don't get disconnected for too long, puddle.

  6. Hallo all! ♥ first I took you literally and thought you had bears fighting in your yard!
    That's what happens when you live so near the wilds, I guess. Ha!

    Oh yes, meteorologists are often also storm chasers and love a good tornado or hurricane!
    Lots of adrenaline there.

    Hope you stay connected somehow!! ♥

  7. via kimmy! ~

    U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits
    "..Those scientists said they were also regularly pressured by agency officials to change the findings of their internal studies if they predicted that an accident was likely to occur or if wildlife might be harmed"

  8. Bummer, Renee. I was in the same boat long time ago: I edit for accountants amazingly well. Hated it, but evidently it's some kind of talent. You have my *massive* sympathy. HugZ.

  9. Took about five minutes. If it's never longer than that, I'll count myself blessed, lol!

  10. Oh fie! We heard on the local news tonight that the apple crop took a big hit in the recent frost. The MacIntosh apples were hit hardest because they are the first to blossom. The owner of an orchard explained that so many of the blossom turned brown that instead of 1000 apples per tree they may get 60 or 20 or none.

    I guess I can stop fretting over my 5 Astilbe plants.
