Wednesday, July 24, 2024

50th Anniversary Flowers (sent by Youngest!)



  1. The flowers arrived on our anniversary (June 28th) and I just threw out the last of them tonight. The Lilies and Alstromeria lasted the longest. I love Alstromeria, because it always lasts at least two weeks. This batch lasted four weeks!

    1. Beautiful.

    2. Wikipedia: Alstromeria [Click] A very interesting plant.

    3. They are lovely flowers and last seemingly forever in water. You do have to keep them away from cats as they are from the lily family and toxic to cats. --nordy

  2. I just wrote this note to Heather Cox Richardson. I hope she takes up my question.

    Heather, can you throw us boomers a bone? I'm pushing 70 and some of my youngers are saying it's time for the baton to be passed to the next generation. Well, that seems to have happened, as you said...rather suddenly. It's a kind of "watch out what you wish for" moment, and I hope they don't drop it. Did we make it look too easy? Well, ready or not, here we go.
    So what now? Do we boomers just gracefully wear beige and keep our mouths shut? Do we stop canvassing, writing postcards, working at the polls? Or is it that the younger generation still wants our labor, just not our wisdom? I'm feeling a little vertigo. How is your compass pointing?

    1. ^ This is in relation to the item I left on the bottom of the last thread:

      VIDEO! Heather Cox Richardson's take on Biden stepping out...

    2. I haven't watched HCR's video yet, but I should point out that Mr. Biden is a member of the Silent Generation, not a Baby Boomer. I'd bet a nickel nut bar (which probably costs upwards of a dollar nowadays) that Mr. Biden remembers the first time he saw a television; I sure do.

    3. Granted that Mr. Biden was born into a more urbanized environment than I; things like electricity and dial telephones, not to mention TV, arrived there sooner.

    4. listener: As a member of the generation the Boomers pushed aside in the 1960s, I'd say you keep on keeping on withuot rxpecting anybody to pay attention.

    5. nordy--I didn't start feeling pushed aside until recently, when the "Hey, boomer" stuff emerged.

    6. What Bill said.

    7. I tried bringing up HRC's video, but evidently it is only available to people using Instagram, which leaves me out.

    8. Alan, you can watch it from her substack page...and do not have to sign up to get to it.
      HCR's Substack Page

    9. Wait. I am mistaken. That's just her reading her daily letter. It's okay; she pretty much covers it there too.

  3. Replies
    1. nordy--
      (AP) Biden will make a case for his legacy--and for Harris to continue it--in his Oval Office address.

    2. I don't like "code," it's much the same kind of term as "dog whistle." But I guess you can take the info and leave the attitude.

    3. I certainly hope it pans out.

  4. nordy--
    Guardian: Thousands of protesters rally around Capitol Hill to denounce Netanyahu’s congressional address
    Police mount major security operation to seal off US Capitol, using pepper spray on protesters as Israeli prime minister speaks.

    1. I see no reason for that one to speak to Congress!

    2. Nor do I.

    3. Perhaps it would be better to say no adequate justification; he has his reasons.

  5. Kamala Harris’s record as California prosecutor hurt her 2020 campaign. Will 2024 be different? [Click] “Criminal justice activists hope for a ‘reset’ in fresh race and urge the vice-president to embrace progressive reforms.” I expect it could happen; she IS a politician, after all.

    1. She also doesn't want to screw up this opportunity, I should imagine.

    2. That's certainly a good bet.

  6. Re Harris' VP pick: What about William McRaven, USN Ret. Wikipedia article [click]. He doesn't currently hold elective office, so picking him wouldn't leave an empty seat anywhere. He's a retired four star admiral with experience at NATO among other places. He's a few years older than Harris, he's a white male, a veteran, a Texan bred if not born, and according to Wikipedia, he was on Biden's short list for Sec Def; so he's actually a known quantity in the Biden-Harris world.

    Michael Steele mentioned him on the most recent episode of Politics Girl (found on YouTube).

    1. I still prefer Whitmer, but I can see the logic of not removing a current office holder. And in the majority of cases, whomever I vote for seems doomed. Next year in Jerusalem? As memory serves me, FDR had a new running mate in each campaign.

    2. Close but no cigar; John Nance Garner 1933 and 1937, Henry Wallace1941, Harry Truman 1945.

    3. One thing about Truman that I particularly remember is that he wasn't told about the atom bomb until after he became President.

      HST became President on April 12th, 1945 and was quickly given a very brief message about the Manhattan Project, followed by an extensive explanation on April 25th. The Trinity atom bomb test was July 16th, 1945. Hiroshima bombing August 6th, 1945; Nagasaki bombing August 9th, 1945. Emperor orders acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration on August 10th, 1945, and his address to the nation is broadcast 15th August. Articles of Surrender signed 2nd September. The Operation Meetinghouse firebombing of Tokyo on the night of 9th March 1945 was the single deadliest air raid of World War II, greater than Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki as single events.
      -----Alan (gleaned from various sources)

    4. In addition to her record and experience as governor of Michigan, what with reproductive rights having proven to exert such a strong electoral effect, I think a Harris/Whitmer ticket ought to bring women voters [as well as (ahem) right-thinking male voters] out of the woodwork, and launch the GOPers into orbit (or even interstellar space). (Or to use the common modern vernacular, blow their minds.)

    5. Alan--I wish it were so. Unfortunately, there's still so much sexism that we will have enough trouble electing one woman, let alone two. --nordy

    6. As for the candidates I vote for being doomed, I must admit to casting (since Al Gore) protest votes for presidential candidates who don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected to any public office. I can do that without regret because California now regularly votes by large margins for the Democratic candidate. The virtue of voting for protest candidates is that since they can't be elected, they can't do any harm. The major parties in California pushed through the current jungle primary system for non-presidential primaries to help freeze out third parties, which offends me greatly.

    7. I'd like a Harris/Whitmer ticket just to stick it to the White Nationalists! I bet they'd win handily.

    8. Damn it Alan and Listener, do you want Trump to win? This isn't a Miss Congeniality contest, you know!

    9. Chicago has a jungle primary. It has successfully fr0zen out Republican clowns. (It was put into place after the Republicans nominated a professional clown.)

    10. Well, Cat, Whitmer's state would bring 15 electoral votes!

  7. Trump told nephew to let his disabled son die, then move to Florida, book says. [Click] “Fred C Trump III calls comment ‘appalling’ in new book All in the Family, to be published next week.” Sounds in character to me.

  8. Guardian: Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests
    Preliminary data from Copernicus suggests temperature records were shattered, taking world into ‘uncharted territory’ --nordy

  9. Several news notes at once;

    The Secret Battle for the Future of the Murdoch Empire [Click] So Rupert doesn’t like his irrevocable family trust being irrevocable? Things are tough all over, I guess.

    Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) said he would vote for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports. [Click]

    How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours [Click] (Original behind NYT paywall.)

    Kamala Harris Vetting About a Dozen Possible VP Candidates [Click]

    Fox News Invites Trump and Harris to Debate [Click] September 17th.

    Trump Allies Warn Him Not to Underestimate Harris [Click] I doubt he will be able to resist the alluring song of the buzz saw.

    1. I find it amusing that DT said he'd debate Harris (his team must have cringed!) and that Fox immediately offered. It's as if they called his bluff! Ha! Of course, I'd want to see the rules. I'd want everything fact checked real time.

  10. "The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms, and returns all the hostages," added the prime minister, who for years facilitated massive financial support for the militant resistance group — whose political arm rules Gaza — in order to weaken the Palestinian National Authority.


    The prime minister claimed that Israel "has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history, and beyond what international law requires."

    And, who does that little claim remind you of?

    'Guilty of Genocide': Tlaib Protests Netanyahu's Speech to Congress - Click

  11. Saw Biden's speech. His eyes looked so sad. --nordy

    1. I thought he looked like he'd just finished being sick with Covid. He seemed tired.

    2. To me, the President's speech was quite moving.

  12. Alan last night you mentioned Colbert's monologue. After Colbert spent his whole monologue putting down Joe Biden, we stopped watching. By any chance, did he ever apologise for it?

  13. Currently at The Arty Blog: Country unites behind Harris as MAGA panics. Come over and discuss. And check out today's earlier posts.
