Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fathers Day

Credit for originating the holiday is generally given to Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, whose father, a Civil War veteran, raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth.


  1. Replies
    1. Babylon is fallen -- what a great song! -- nordy

    2. I first encountered it as a Sacred Harp song.

  2. (Bloomberg) — Donald Trump told Senate Republicans Thursday he would restart oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, reversing a move by the Biden administration to cancel leases in the frozen wilderness. --nordy

    1. Then let us make certain The Felon never returns to power. I like what Michael Popok always says, "We must vote in numbers too big to rig and too real to steal". -Susan

  3. Father's Day always makes me sad for the father I didn't have. He wasn't dead or absent. He just didn't like me and made no secret of it. He insulted me, laughed at me and showed scorn for me. It wasn't until middle age that I realized how he had skewed my life in such a negative direction. I ended up marrying a man who was *just like him*. Once I escaped that marriage I realized how my life with my father had set me up. If you had a good father by all means celebrate him. The good fathers are much more rare than they should be. --Susan

    1. Sorry to hear that, Susan. My father passed away in 1965, shortly after I completed my first year of [junior] college, and I miss him still, although he doesn't often visit me in my dreams any more. All I can do is hope that he would have been proud of me. Like my other male role models, he worked until he could no longer; that makes retirement rather mysterious for me.

    2. Susan, I too can attest that good fathers are rare. --nordy

    3. In a way I was lucky in that mine was neglectful. It's not like anything much was expected of me, and I wasn't hassled. Well, unless you count that we moved every. year. and my dad would walk out on my Mom from time to time. I didn't know until high school that he'd had a girlfriend for 20 years. Mom kept that to herself. How I found out was she brought her to my high school play (and, yes, my Mom was there...awkward!!). He had a cheerful sort of persona but was never really happy. I could go on, but it wouldn't change anything. I think I was lucky to be neglected because I didn't owe my parents anything.

    4. That said, I married a sweet man who was and is a wonderful dad and grandad! We made the effort to learn how to parent since my parents and his dad had been so bad at it. His mom was great, but died at age 61. So we learned about Parent Effectiveness Training and hung out with folks who breastfed, had home birth and home schooled... which gave us lots of support and encouragement.

    5. Happily, our four sons are great. Three are stelar dads and one is a super uncle. They love their kids and show it. Lots of strong girls and gentle grandsons as a result.

    6. My father died in 1950, when I was 13. A good man, but quiet and undemonstrative. My mother was the dominant personality in the family. It id only recently that I have realized all the ways I resemble my father. I wonder how things would have been different if I'd had him as a role model in my teens and 20s.

    7. I remember the first time I was saying something to our daughter and heard my father's words coming out of my mouth! I don't remember what it was, but I remember the shock of it.

  4. This keyboard dumps my comments before I finish them. The last time I got frustrated and thumped my keyboard and a Chinese site came up. I did a screenshot of that site, but I don't know what to do with it. - Susan

    1. At the county hospital where I worked, both the hardware and the software for the lab information system were wearing out or no longer supported by the manufacturer. Certain keys on particular keyboards didn't work, for instance. I remember one fellow who would disconnect offending keyboards, slosh them vigorously in water, turn the upside down and slam them on the bench tops to knock out the water and any accumulated foreign matter and reconnect them, whereupon they resumed working properly--at least often enough to make it worth a try. (Those were the now long obsolete electromechanical keyboards, the old IBM clickety-clack ones.) We later had a new computer system installed.

  5. Whenever I try to download this blog, I get May 18. I have to click on "an online community..." to get the current date. I cleared my browsing history, but it keeps happening. --nordy

  6. Anton Petrov video: [Click] Green stars impossible, but there are green galaxies.

  7. Alan, you need to fix the link. --nordy

    1. So it would seem!

    2. Try this link [Click]

    3. Yep, that works. Thanks, nordy.
