Monday, May 20, 2024

Press Conference Today! (Is Howard Dean running for Governor of Vermont?)



  1. Howard Dean is first!

    However, Howard has decided NOT to run for Governor, as polling said he would have to close a 10 point gap...and the "experts" say that would require a negative campaign, which he would never do. I honestly don't see why we couldn't do it with a fun and engaging campaign. But my opinion wasn't consulted. Anyway, I'm bummed.

    1. Well, it is arguably his turn to take (or continue) the role of senior statesman. Hopefully there is someone whom he can support, and Vermont being Vermont, I expect that there is or will be.

    2. Howard said he'd support whomever is the Dem candidate. But that means very little, really; since he had a poll done that said Howard Dean would start out 10 points behind Phil Scott, no one else has a snowball's chance in hell. And now everyone knows it.

  2. Replies
    1. No time to watch the videos right now, but 98:2 is a nice score. Remember that the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt," not "beyond all doubt." Thanks. Next on to re-direct and then closing arguments, I suppose. A verdict before the end of this week seems possible.

    2. The Guardian: Trump trial: Cohen testifies that hush-money payment violated election law [Click] “Prosecutors rest case after ex-fixer Michael Cohen says he knew paying Stormy Daniels violated the Federal Election Campaign Act.”
      First defense witness reprimanded by the judge.

    3. "Trump Lawyer STUNT Backfires in FRONT OF JURY"
      Excellent video! Thanks, Cat!

    4. You're welcome, Alan.

      Granted Trump must be the client from Hell, his defense team don't seem to be covering themselves with glory.

    5. TRUMP ON TRIAL - Day 19 RECAP also viewed and enjoyed. The MSM commentary on the proceedings also astounded me--- what a bunch of yahoos!

  3. Back from my first attempt at developing a new habit: a fifteen-minute sketching session once per day. Went all right, except that I inadvertently switched from a Micron-type pen to a cheap single-use fountain pen partway through; have to stow the fountain pen so I don't repeat the mistake. Maybe same subject using pen plus watercolor (or vice-versa) tomorrow? Today's subject a persimmon tree in our back yard, with the river valley behind, wrought iron fence and power lines artistically rendered invisible. Maybe I can actually do this sort of stuff!

    1. Establishing habits and routines isn't easy. Well done for trying, and persisting. Best of luck.

    2. Well, I have so far persisted only once, but psychologically it seems promising. I have been dealing with some ancient psychological roadblocks about art-- the other day I suddenly became aware of another one, and think I rooted it out. My family's support is important.

    3. Here's to tomorrow!
      If you do it twice in a row it's a tradition!


  4. Great to hear you can do that sort of stuff, Keep up the good work. i tried for a short while back when I was a teen and discovered it wasn't my thing.

    Wordpress is back to claiming it can't sign into my Google account.
