Sunday, March 31, 2024

✨ Happy Easter! 🌷


  1. March 31, 2024 By Taegan Goddard

    On Easter morning, Donald Trump made 71 social media posts and only one of those referenced Easter, where he simply posted, “Happy Easter.”

    But one post did claim that Trump is ‘The Chosen One’ sent by God and blessed by God.

    1. ^^^^^ Alan (Who discussed the matter with God just now, and She did not confirm the claim.) May She set his own dogs upon him.

    2. SNL's cold open did a great take on this last night. Worth finding and watching.

    3. There might be some people who wouldn't be as amused as others, but for folks who hang out here, I think it should go over well. I didn't notice the concertina hand motions, though. Maybe it was there, but I'm too lazy to go back and watch it again just for that.

    4. FOTCL Alan. Good to know you have a direct line. :)

    5. The path is open to all who have the eyes to see it, Cat.

  2. Our cable TV Japanese service ends this evening. Thanks to the presence of our digital native, we got the new Internet streaming service going, which looks promising. I went to the cable TV office to turn in our set top box and remote control and to discontinue the cable TV; but they were closed despite the sign on the door saying they are open Sundays. Well, tomorrow will be fine.

    1. P.S.: We get Internet through the same company [Comcast] as cable.

    2. Well, it was a holiday. In fact, Easter Monday is a holiday in some countries.

    3. I should nevertheless have figured that good capitalists would have found a few heathens to keep things going.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for the link, Alan.

      What a kid! Brian Tyler Cohen is one of my favorite people.
