Thursday, February 15, 2024

Year of the Dragon


The Chinese Lunar New Year began Saturday and the celebration lasts two weeks.
The dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac.


  1. Chinese dragons can appear to be other creatures, e.g. horses. The tip-off is that they do not touch the ground.

  2. Replies
    1. GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! [Click] Doonesbury flashbacks.

    2. Trump’s Trial Schedule Comes Into Focus [Click] Hearing in Fulton County at same time as trial starts in New York.

    3. Hmmm. Will The Orange One have to learn to bi-locate? If not, he's going to be a *really* frequent flyer.

    4. I'm sure it can be worked out.

  3. We had some rain last night, although it wasn't predicted. Starting the day after tomorrow we are supposed to have several days of rain.

  4. The Atlantic: How to Defeat a Mafia State [Click] “An unlikely coalition of urban professionals and Indigenous people has pulled off something extraordinary in Guatemala.”

  5. The Atlantic: The Carry-On-Baggage Bubble Is About to Pop [Click] “Airplanes aren’t made for this much luggage.”

  6. Interesting, never-before experience. I changed my registration from Green to Democratic before the current primary election; on Monday I received a Green ballot, and wrote in Joe Biden for President. No big, because it will send a message to the Green Party, and it will make no difference in the Democratic primary. Aside from President, all the ballots are identical. TODAY, I received a second ballot (presumably Democratic)! Having heard rumors that the authorities take a dim view of voting twice, I sent an e-mail to the Registrar of Voters asking whether I should return or shred the second ballot.

    1. Do not shred it, Alan!!
      If you are able, and wish to, you can take it to the Registrar and ask that your Green ballot be replaced with your Democratic ballot. They won't have counted it yet, and you can explain that an error was made in sending you two. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige.

    2. ...after all, somebody there goofed!

      In Vermont, folks can even bring their absentee ballot with them to the polls and turn it in, and vote in person, if they prefer.

  7. Trump Permits January 6-Related Lawsuits to Advance [Click] “Trump elected not to ask the justices to reverse a federal appeals court ruling issued in December rejecting his claim that presidents have absolute immunity from being sued for actions taken while they are in office.” !?!?!?!?
