Sunday, February 11, 2024

Spinnaker Winking!



  1. Almost completely clear sky this morning, slightest touch of frost, river bottom full of thinning fog, half a cup of coffee to hand. Predicted high temperature 61F, looks like four days of decent gardening weather.

    1. The weeds are rampant---grass in particular. But gotta finish pruning the fruit trees.

  2. Grisly secrets of the ‘disappeared’ of Anglo-Irish war uncovered by research. [Click] “Irish state’s founding fathers killed and disappeared five times more people than Provisional IRA would do over 30 years.”

  3. Replies
    1. Interesting.

    2. I wonder what sort of compensation is sought.

  4. Senator Welch standung up for the Leahy Law.


    This law makes sure all security assistance from the US follows International law.

  5. {listener}

    All I can think of is Calvin & Hobbes monosyllabic character Moe the bully saying, “Pay up, Squirt.”

    I think I may hereafter refer to DT as Moe.

    Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough

    Nato chief says Donald Trump comments 'undermine all of our security'

    1. It looks to me like things are going all to Hell in the Russian Federation and China, and fast. India will probably be a winner in the not distant future, along with North America. I think the courts are going to put the kibosh on Trump in advance of the election; bankruptcy and imprisonment will put quite a hitch in his get-along.

    2. Sadly, he knows his base very well. There has always been a strain of isolationism not to say xenophobia on the far right. So, that contingent probably thinks the remark quoted above is just peachy. I, on the other hand, find it chilling.

  6. Contents of Charles Darwin’s entire personal library revealed for first time [Click] “300-page catalogue details thousands of books, journals, pamphlets and articles in naturalist’s library.”

  7. Today we could see quite a bit of snow on the second range of foothills. And the number of airplane contrails was extraordinary; I suppose there are usually just as many airplanes passing over, but the conditions for producing contrails are rarely so good.

  8. [Video] Biden Mercilessly Mocks MAGA After Chiefs Win Super Bowl [Click] I'm not one to follow these sorts of things, but do enjoy seeing President Biden chiding Citizen Trump.
