Sunday, February 25, 2024

Happy Sunday!



  1. Still Saturday evening here. I am having a new to us variety of apple: Envy. Very nice flavor, but so firm that one must be careful cutting it.

  2. Donald Trump addresses wife Melania as ‘Mercedes’ during live CPAC speech [Click] At least he didn’t address her as “Ford,” but is there a “Mercedes” among his close female acquaintances?

  3. Gone in 20 seconds: how ‘smart keys’ have fuelled a new wave of car crime [Click]
    AA chief reveals his microwave tip to foil tech-savvy car thieves [Click]
    Another approach that has been suggested is to drive a Ford Model T; almost no one knows how to operate one these days.

  4. Is the 100-year old TB vaccine a new weapon against Alzheimer’s? [Click] Also other vaccinations, evidently—including influenza vaccinations. Several paragraphs down in the article there is reference to “a recent meta-analysis” showing a large average risk reduction. It has been my experience that meta-analyses are often unreliable; jumble together the results of multiple papers with little if any attention to reliability or comparability. That said, there seems to be quite a bit of smoke related to immune training. The big drawback to the BCG vaccine is that it renders TB skin tests useless.

    1. "jumble together" should read "they jumble together," but you knew that already.


  5. Can Trump Pay His Legal Judgments?
    [Click] Not to mention his back taxes . . .

    Trump's Holiness Rises as His Corruption is Revealed, in the Best Authoritarian Tradition [Click]

    Trump’s Demographic Problem [Click]

    Newsom launches abortion ads in Republican states to fight ‘war on women’ [Click] “Series of new advertisements target Republican efforts to criminalize abortions and a ‘war on travel’ for reproductive care” I am surprised at how much of a team player Newsom is proving to be. It makes me think better of him.

    ‘Not a disease you want to relive’: why is the US seeing outbreaks of measles? [Click] I was surprised to learn that the first measles vaccine wasn’t introduced until 1963, which would mean I didn’t receive it as a child. Much later I was required (as memory serves me) to have the adult MMR vaccine while working in a hospital with many expectant patients.


  6. San Antonio airport to deploy 21st-Century Dalek [Click] I seem to recall another “accidentally” falling down a flight of stairs or some such thing.

  7. Inspired by Joan Baez's song "I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night"...

    I dreamed I saw Alexei Navalny last night,
    Alive as you and me.
    Says I "But Alexei, you're ten days dead"
    "I never died" said he,
    "I never died" said he.

    "But Putin’s cronies killed you Al,
    And afterward they lied.”
    "Takes more than poison to kill a man"
    Says Alexei, "I didn't die"
    Says Alexei, "I didn't die"

    And standing there as big as life
    And smiling with his eyes.
    Says Alexei "What they can never kill
    Went on to organize,
    Went on to organize"

    From Moscow to Siberia,
    On every hill and leigh
    Where faithful friends defend their rights,
    There’s Alexei Navalny,
    There’s Alexei Navalny!

    I dreamed I saw Alexei Navalny last night,
    Alive as you and me.
    Says I "But Al, you're ten days dead"
    "I never died" said he,
    "I never died" said he.

    1. Joan Baez might well have performed the song, but it was composed before she was born. Not sure if it is in the IWW song book, but reckon it ought to be. (Not sure where my copy is--haven't checked it for quite a while.)

    2. YUP.
      Joe Hill, organizer of Industrial Workers of the World, executed in Utah, USA, in 1915.
      Lyrics: Alfred Hayes
      Music: Earl Robinson

  8. Got some more pruning done on the last fruit tree--a giant fuyu persimmon. Didn't prune it much last year beyond cutting back the new growth, making up for it this year. Seems to be about three quarters done. I was looking at our newest peach tree, and thinking that I might remove one branch to improve its future shape. Still have to remove a dead citrus tree, but that wood is soft. I Wasn't paying attention to the tension on the [electric] chainsaw chain, and it came off the bar (not dangerous, but doesn't work). Getting it back in place and adjusted seems to be a job for three hands, but I get it done when I have to.

  9. Looks like the newscasters are still digesting the SCOTUS ruling, but they rejected Trump's claim of absolute presidential immunity.

    1. {listener}

      Which ruling are you referring to?
      And where did you see that SCOTUS rejected immunity?
      I can’t find that anywhere in the news.

    2. I saw it in a short clip; probably clickbait.
