Thursday, April 06, 2023

Mount Mansfield (looking east)

(The sky was not smoky, the car window was dirty.)


  1. Dominion’s Witness List For The Fox News Trial [continues to evolve] [Click] [This is a] “*potential* witness list because not all of these people may ultimately testify if the case goes to trial AND the case may yet settle. The clock is ticking … 11 days and counting.”

  2. Replies
    1. Ideally, yes. But I'm not gonna hold my breath.

  3. New York judge in Trump arraignment reportedly receives ‘dozens’ of threats [Click] Also his family, the District Attorney, and staff members of the court and the DA’s office.

    1. I think Rikers Island would be able to effectively enforce a gag order.

  4. More about Lake Tulare [Click] I was reading yesterday that there is no way the dams and reservoirs on the rivers feeding the lake can completely control the snowmelt. Sooner or later, the outflow from the dams will have to equal the inflow. As for the San Joaquin River (which runs below our house), there are reports from downstream counties of water welling up outside the levees here and there, although not disastrously so far. The levees are not comparable to those on the Mississippi, although those on the Sacramento River (which drains the northern part of the Central Valley) certainly are (think 70 feet tall). Beautiful day here today.

  5. Trump drawing to be first New Yorker cover featuring courtroom sketch [Click] Three courtroom artists permitted; exactly what I was hoping for!

    1. This page evidently has a number of Trump courtroom sketches, [Click] but I can only display the first.

    2. I appreciate that some described DT that day as "glum."

      GLUMP seems the word for it.

    3. That certainly workds for me, listener.

  6. Whoo hoo!
    My a1c is 5.6~!!
    I am no longer in the pre-diabetic range. Hard work and determination *do* pay off.

    This is the first time I recall ever having a number below the pre-diabetic range...!

    Cholesterol numbers were better this year, too, so I am spared going on statins.

    Also! My doc ordered for me a special iron test that showed I am NOT plagued with the Celtic curse of Haemochromotosis.

  7. Replies
    1. A Republican? Taking bribes? To help pot sellers??? Good Heavens! What next?

    2. I was certainly surprised too!

    3. Any chance he knows someone who very much needs medical marijuana?

  8. These two reports overlap considerably, but give more information than was in the earlier news report:
    Putin 'pathologically afraid for his life', says Russian defector – video [Click]
    Russian defector sheds light on Putin paranoia and his secret train network [Click] Former security officer tells of president’s strict quarantine and says he has ‘lost touch with the world’


    1. Hmmmm..... if his whereabouts are secret, it should be possible for "guards" to secretly liquidate him. But that would probably require a conspiracy, which by its very nature is difficult to keep secret.
